Chapter 2: Return to Hogwarts

281 17 14

1st September, 2022

I get through the platform 9¾ of King's Cross, right into an environment filled with countless witches and wizards.

Parents coming to see off their children, some first years wailing while holding their parents because of separation (pathetic), students running here and there.

The Hogwarts express stands still hooting steam out of it.

Soon, I was joined by my father. "I wonder where Levi is." Father glanced around to see if he can spot my little brother. "He'll be alright. He'd even be happier if he can board onto the train without meeting us." I muttered.

"Don't you dare start anything here." We were joined by our mother. Shit- she heard.

"I'm sorry." I replied, trying to sound apologetic.

"Y/n!" A male voice called from behind. I turned around.

A tall boy with a pale face, messy black hair with a little mullet, steeply arched eyebrows, grey eyes and two piercings on his ears and a creepy smirk pasted on his face approached me.


If I had to be honest, he was handsome. He could be considered as one of the most good-looking boys in our year. His sharp features made him look very attractive indeed.

He was accompanied by a girl, same age as him. She too was tall but wasn't as tall as him. She was skinny but with an hourglass figure. Her brown siren eyes against her pale face were glaring at everyone that dared to walk past her, along with her long wavy layered hair flying gracefully behind her. Her sharp features, with her plump lips and the image of a sophisticated and cold woman would have her mistaken as a Black family member easily.


They approached me, pushing their trolleys. "Hey." I said, without putting much emotion into it.

"Hey!" Caspian said.

"These bloody first years. I want to throw them out of the train." Ivy rolled her eyes.

"Ivy, dear!" My mother cried out. Yeah, she really likes her. "Well, hello, Mrs. Avery. It's a pleasure to encounter you again." Ivy's tone of speaking turned elegant again, as if she completely forgot about the first years she was planning to throw off.

Mother smiled at her pleasantly. Wish she'd do that to me once in a while as well.

"Caspian, how's your family?" She turned to my other friend now.

"They're fine. Orpheus and Levi had fun over the summer. Thank you for sending him to our home. They were around. I just can't spot them now." Caspian said.

"No worries, we'll find them." Mother's voice was dripping honey.

"Go, board in." Mother muttered, in her usual rough voice in my ear and walked off with father, probably to find my brother.

Finally, the three of us were left alone and I could take in air.

"Still scared of your mother, Y/n?" Caspian snorted. "Shut it, Caspian." I gave him a poker face and turn to Ivy. "There's a huge problem. We have to talk."

Ivy gave me a puzzled look. "Let's go in." I suggested and led the way while the other two followed.

It wasn't until long that we managed to come across an empty compartment.

"I'm getting married." I stated after I settled down. Ivy's eyes went wide. Caspian almost stumbled while he was shoving his trunk in the overhead compartment. "What?!" He shrieked.

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