Chapter 29: The First Task

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13th May, 2023

"And what is she doing here?" Beomgyu snapped as soon as he caught sight of me when we met in the evening for the mission. He was accompanied by Yeonjun, Soobin and Hueningkai.

"She's in it." Taehyun replied on my behalf.

"It's dangerous. I hope you know that. But well, I think you'll be able to cope with danger. Welcome to the team!" Yeonjun high-fived me.

"I still don't approve this. She'll get in the way. You can't trust Slytherins." Beomgyu asserted. "Gryffindors and their big futile mouth." I folded my arms and raised a brow at Beomgyu.


"STOP IT!!" Taehyun stepped between us with his band gesturing to stop. I rolled my eyes at Beomgyu while he just flashed an unpleasant expression.

Taehyun explained the situation to his friends. Though it required quite an effort to acquire Beomgyu's consent. In the climax, he had to agree to it.

I hung the time-turner on my neck while the others held either arms of mine, though appearing to be hesitating until it spinned....

And in no time, the time ticked back.

Until it stopped and we realised this is it.

I cannot explain but we just knew the time had ticked back. Everyone let go of me. Taehyun tried to snatch the time-turner. I slapped his hand away. "It's mine. Tosser."

He raised his hands in surrender.

"I hope we're in the right time." Soobin said, dithered. Yeonjun sauntered to look out into the grounds. "We are in the correct time." He declared.

"What are you doing? Let's go then!" Beomgyu suggested. Everyone nodded and proceeded out of The Clock Tower. "But remember, everyone. We cannot be seen. At all costs." Taehyun notified.

"With all these audiences, you think we won't be seen?" I snapped.

"Yeah okay, but let's not make any other differences. We'll go, make Cedric lose in the first task and then go back. Don't you dare do anything else." Taehyun alerted.

The halls were deserted. As expected, everyone had gathered to watch people at risk of dying at the hands of dragons.

We darted to the ground where the first task of the tournament was being held. We dissolved ourselves into the crowd, still together.

"You have a plan I suppose?" I turned to all of them. "We'll just disarm Cedric." Yeonjun shrugged. "Yeah and-" Beomgyu was about to say something but interrupted.

"Who are you?" I had a tough time believing that it was the Hermione Granger. The present minister of magic.

All of us turned to her.

"Err... I'm a sixth year student-" I noticed that none of us had cared to change our robes. Ofcourse we're gonna get caught. "You're a Gryffindor. I am a Gryffindor. I haven't seen you around even once." Hermione asked, nosy.

I could sense that all of them were strained.

Are we gonna get caught now?

"I...uh...." Beomgyu glanced sideways at his friends for an excuse. "Seriously, who are you?" Hermione said, again.

"Yeonjun!" Soobin called out and pointed towards the ground. There Cedric was. Oh- OH- I never expected a Hufflepuff to be this fine. They had some snacks back in time, huh?

"Now!" Taehyun nudged Yeonjun.


Yeonjun disarmed Cedric who ended up being trounced against the dragon he was fighting against. No one saw who was responsible for this sudden flinging of Cedric's wand out of his hand.

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