Chapter 18: Avoidance

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21st February, 2023

It's been over a month since that accident happened and... I've been ignoring Taehyun ever since. I just... I'm freaking out everytime he comes across.

He had tried to talk to me sometimes during our combined classes. However, I would pay no attention to him.

It was just a kiss.

Right? It was just a kiss. There's no need to talk about it. It would be bloody embarassing anyway. Henceforth, I've been running away from Taehyun. I've persuaded myself to sprint off to the opposite direction every time I spot Taehyun.

I am aware that he wants to talk about what happened. But why bother doing that??? Can't he just get over it? It was just a kiss. People even shag just the very next person they meet for the first time for fun... Why get so tensed over a kiss?

However, it wasn't just a kiss. It was my first kiss.

In addition to that, something really messed up, strange and ridiculous is happening to me. Ever since I've quit talking to Taehyun....I still see him.... No yeah in Hogwarts ofcourse. my dreams too...

I know I know. It's mortifying. I have no clue why in the bloody hell this is happening. I don't want this either. But suddenly in between my daily tasks, I end up thinking about Taehyun... About our kiss.

This is the worst thing that could happen.

I should've just married Jungkook instead. None of this would've happened. Who the fuck cares if he is in love with someone else..Taehyung can be his mistress(?) or something!

I don't care.

I sigh, helplessly as I stroke my spoon over the food on the plate before me during the breakfast. "Ivy..." I breathed out. "....yeah?" She awkwardly replied from my left.

I haven't discussed the accident with these two.

Who knows how they'd react. I just don't wish for any overreaction from them.

"Would you snog someone?" I said, blanking out. Though, I was conscious enough to notice that Caspian who sitting across us had leant in to take part in the conversation.

"Y/n...I have snogged someone." Ivy answered, unclear. "Oh really? Whom?" Caspian smirked. He ended up earning a kick from under the table from Ivy.

I realised that Ivy was unclear how to reply. My question was vague to start with. "I mean, would you snog just someone? Without any sentiments? Just an accident?" I stare blankly at the food.

"You've snogged someone fortuitously?" Ivy questioned.

I'm assuming that words means 'accidentally'. I finally give up on my food. Letting go of the spoon, I turn to Ivy. "It's for a friend." I replied. That lame excuse just bursted in my mind, don't judge.

"You have friends other than us?" Caspian butted in but ended up recieving another kick from under the table. This time from me.

"Ouch!" He winced.

"Well, you see..." Ivy danced her fork in the air gracefully as she explained. "People these days do snog just anyone. It's usual these days. It's just lust. People often snog or shag anyone. I personally would not do it. But it isn't anything out of the world. They do it for fun."

Her explanation didn't help me even a bit. I'm as confused as I was a minute ago. Did he snog me just for fun? Then why does he wants to talk about it? Did I snog him just for fun? Or..... No no no.... I must've snogged him for fun.


"I'll be heading to class ahead." I announced to the other two and swept away before they could say any other word.

We have Transfiguration as the first class. The worse thing is that we share this class with Ravenclaws. Sighing in defeat, I walk through the sparsely crowded hallway to go to the classroom.

I grab on the knob of the door of the classroom. There was still an ample amount of time for the classes to start. I just seek some solidarity.

However, another hand grabbed mine that was on the doorknob. My eyes travelled to the owner of the hand. I gasped and staggered a step back, pulling away my hand hastily.

Kang Taehyun.

I was about to run away again, but my wrist was grasped. Oh shit. "Let go. Or I'll hex you." I threatened him through gritted teeth,  hoping it'd work.

"If sharing a moment you would cause you hexing me, go ahead, hex me up."  Frankly, his words did make my heart skip a bit and I almost melted.

I gathered myself emotionally.

"Get lost, you filthy half-blood." I replied. "Y/n... please... Let's talk." Taehyun pleaded. "If after this talk, you want to avoid me forever, you're in absolute liberty to do that." He added.

I was stuck I have no way out of this.

"Fine." It was as if Taehyun was just waiting for the word to escape my mouth as as soon as I said it, he wasted no time to drag me to an empty classroom that wasn't far and lock the door after us.

I continued to avoid his eyes. "What do you want to talk about?" I pulled away my hand from his clasp and folded my arms.

Taehyun stood, facing me.

"I know that this is all awkward to you and how badly you want to escape." Taehyun started. I scoffed. "Then why bother hauling me here?"

"I just... I just want to make this situation all clear...okay? So...uh...maybe we won't speak to each other after this...but... Just listen.... Just this once.. please don't interrupt me...okay?" Taehyun hesitated.

I rolled my eyes as a response.

"Uh... Yeah... I did practice this over for countless times but I'm messing this up. Yeah okay, about that day. Trust me, I'm also trying to understand how that shit happened, okay? It's just that I... I..." I cut his words.

"I know, Taehyun that was a-"

"WILL YOU FUCKING LET ME SPEAK?!" Taehyun burst out. I flinched slightly. "Such an arrogant narcissist I fell in love with." He added, in a low tone.

I blinked a few times.

I think I heard something. I finally looked at him, trying to take in the words that I probably heard. "You fell- what?"

"DON'T INTERRUPT ME!!" Taehyun whinned while stomping his feet on the ground. This- this is the first time I've sighted him lose his patience. He has always been the most patient and calm person you can come across.

I opened my mouth to say something but Taehyun spoke again.

"Well, I'm sorry! I'm sorry I fell in love with you, okay? But it happened and I can't do shit about it now!!" Taehyun shouted. "You....what?" I was dumbfounded.

"Yeah okay, whatever, yeah, listen. I really didn't want this to happen? You think I of all people, wanted to fall in love with you?" Taehyun cried out.

"You wanker, do you even know what you're saying?! You're just throwing words at me now! You're not making the slightest sense. You were supposed to address that incident, remember?" I started to yell at him as well, in a higher volume.

It seemed to work.

Taehyun's eyes went wide as he finally realised what nonsense he was uttering.

He took in a few breaths, trying to calm himself down, closing his eyes. When he was done, he opened his eyes and stalked up to me, steadily.

Instinctively, I pulled out my wand and pointed it at him, warningly. However, with a serene and unbothered expression, Taehyun pushed my wand aside, unaffected.

He held me by my shoulders and stared down at me, with relaxed eyes.

"Y/n... please listen to me clearly now...."

Hexed Hearts - Kang Taehyun || Hogwarts AUWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu