Chapter 35: Reunited

151 11 5

15th May, 2023

However, there was a short Hogwarts student duelling a death-eater. We were about the run past them just when I caught the glimpse of the visage of the Hogwarts student.


I stopped dead on my tracks. It made Taehyun's sprint come to a halt as well. He turned to me. I was watching my little brother bravely face the death-eater. But....why? Why is he in the need to?

The death-eater suddenly shot the Cruciatus Curse at Levi and he dropped onto the floor, screaming in pain.

No matter how much I disrelish my brother, seeing him in such pain made my legs to run up to his fallen body.

I dropped on my knees as I held his body, my mind going blank while Taehyun confronted the death-eater.

I started muttering all the healing spells I knew. I should've paid attention whenever those were taught during the lessons. I was too scared from the inside. A guilty part of me was dreading that my mother would kill me if she knew that my brother is in this condition.

"W-why did you come back, you troublemaker?!" I realised tears were forming in my eyes.

"H-he called you a b-bitch!" My brother groaned out. It wad merely audible. "Oh... My dear brother...." Something... something inside me made me forget how much I loathed this little human through all these years. All I was seeing in him right now was a little boy who was willing to go against scary dark arts just because someone insulted his sister.

I held him even tighter.

I heard some muffled sounds of rapid footsteps from somewhere ahead of me.

I lifted my head to see what it was. There were two black cloaked witches sweeping towards me at full speed from the other end of the hallway.

Everything was happening too speedily. One of the witches held out her wand at my direction and shot a curse at me. I wasn't even in the condition to understand what hex it was.

But suddenly, another light emerged from behind me that counteracted the witch's curse with ease.

I didn't shoot it.

Neither did Taehyun. He was busy duelling the wizard.


"Needed a hand, old friend?" A familiar female voice emerged to my right from behind me. I looked up at the owner of the voice. Though I already knew who it belonged to.


She had threateningly pointed her wand towards the two witches ahead of us while staring down at me with a little smile on her face, her brown eyes softened.

"Ivy..." I had overcome with sentiments. It's been so long since we talked and she just... It turned out our friendship had never ended. It was evident in her eyes.

Her expression however darkened as she turned to the two witches. "Come at me, bitches." And then she started duelling the two witches at one go, all while cackling a wicked laugh as if she was enjoying all this.

"She's amazing, isn't she?" Another familiar voice popped up from my left. I turned my attention to the guy who was crouching beside me . "Caspian..." I was too happy within all these chaos to see my old friends.

"Y'all didn't leave?" I managed to say.

"How could we leave you with some untrustworthy half-bloods? Ofcourse we couldn't leave!" Caspian said, as if what I asked was the most absurd question in history. Ofcourse they still didn't like Taehyun or any half-bloods.

"Oh Merlin, our parents are going to kill us." He gave a brief glance to Ivy. Yes. Pure-bloods going against pure-bloods. Ofcourse, neither of their parents will be happy about it.

He then turned to me. "I'll take care of him. Your brother is like my own. You should go." This is the first time I've seen Caspian act so sagacious. "Are you sure?" I feel like I'm burdening him.

However, Caspian nodded.

He seemed undaunted.

"I'm sorry, Caspian." I mutter as I shifted Levi from my lap to his. "Oh come on! That's what friends are for." Caspian acting so responsible is really uncanny.

Before getting up, I watch Taehyun duelling that wizard.

"Caspian, can I ask you for another favour?" I turn to Caspian who was already muttering healing spells to Levi. Caspian, infact, knew more about healing spells than me.

He gestured me to continue.

I explained him something that I had in the back of my mind and asked him to help me towards the ending of the plan. Though he didn't seem too willed for the job, he agreed.

I gave him a smile.

Patting Levi's head for one last time, I leapt to my feet, wiping off the almost dried tears.

After using the body-binding curse on the wizard Taehyun was duelling, I ran up to him and and tugged him away from the scene. Though it isn't considered courteous to intrude in someone else's duel. However, I had no time think about morals now.

"This is never going to end." Me and Taehyun were holding hands as we continued our sprint.

"What can we do?" Taehyun questioned from behind me.

Inspecting the surroundings to be a little undisturbed. I stopped myself and him. I was panting heavily. I wasn't in practice of such runs.

"We have to face Delphini." I turned to him, looking straight into his eyes. Taehyun appeared as though he already knew this in the back of his mind. He still was a little surprised to hear these words come out of my mouth.

"No. We just have to safely take you away from this place. There are Aurors. There's literally the Minister of Magic and Harry Potter himself. They'll take care of it." Taehyun prompted.

"And those people are stuck inside McGonagall's office. While others are counting on someone else to do it. We can't do the same. You're landing in Azkaban anyway. It's do or die, Taehyun. We'll be doing this together." I take his hand in mine.

Taehyun just kept staring into my eyes for a minute or two.

None of us uttered any words.

Taehyun seemed to be deep in thought.

He finally spoke again.

"But first..." He started. I already had a hint where this was going. "Y/n, I'm really sorry. I really am. About the Delphini situation. I know I created all this and I deserve worse punishment than Azkaban. But more than this, I'm sorry for decieveing you. There should be a punishment worse than death for my deeds. But I want to beg for your forgiveness. I love you. I really do. I'm scared. I'm so scared that I love you. I know this isn't a wise situation to say all this but-"

I let go of his hands and hold up my palm towards him.

"We'll talk about it after this war ends."

"And what if I'm not alive by then? Delphini Diggory is dangerous!" Taehyun protested. "Then, I'll talk to your dead body about this." I held him by his forearms and gave him a shake. "Focus, Taehyun. There's a war going on. You were ought to be the mature one between us."

Taehyun took in a deep breath as though he was preparing himself for what's ahead of him.

"We should first find out where Delphini is." Taehyun asserted. He seemed confident and determined. He was even ready for death.

I nodded.

I knew Taehyun had already made a plan in his head.

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