Chapter 12: The plan

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22nd December,2022

"Hey! Nerd!" I skipped into the Clock Tower where Taehyun was seated at our usual stairs. "You're here!" Taehyun beamed at me.


My feet suddenly stopped working and my sneer turned into a frown. Did he just smile at me? That too accompanied by an acknowledgement of my presence.

Taehyun has never done this. Never. I always assumed that he regarded these meetings as pure business. He got something out of it. I got something out of it.

"Did you hit your head somewhere?" I raised a brow.

"No, why would you say that?" Taehyun kept flashing a smile. "You're acting strange." I took a step forward. Suddenly, it hit me. I backed off a step hurriedly and pulled out my wand and pointed it at the individual infront of me.

"Polyjuice potion." I muttered.

"Shut up." Taehyun sighed. "You're not Taehyun, who are you?" I glared at the person. This in no tea in China can be Taehyun. He would never beam up at me or acknowledge my presence.

"Y/n Avery, you know the Hogwarts Express leaves tomorrow for the Christmas holidays. This is our last chance to make your fiancé meet the love of his life. So, shut your mouth and sit here." Taehyun said, with his usual blank expression.

Okay, this...maybe is Taehyun.

No one can frown the way Taehyun frowns. Does that make sense? Though I continued to be suspicious in the back of my mind, I steadily sat beside him.

"Is everything going on fine?" Taehyun suddenly said again. No, this CAN NOT be Taehyun. I'd shave off my- no, I'll shave off Thea's head if this is Taehyun.

"You're unwell? Should I take you to Pomfrey?" I was growing suspicious of him. "Oh come on!" Taehyun groaned, restless. "Can't I be nice to you?"

"No?" I replied immediately.

"Oh come on! Should I be a jerk to you then?" Taehyun put on his iconic blank expression. "Yes, please." I replied instantly. "You're talking too much today." I added.

"You're impossible." Taehyun rolled his eyes.

"Let's get to the business then." Taehyun put on his usual formal tone of speaking. "You're going to have another family dinner for Christmas, isn't that right?"

I nodded, curtly.

"That's when you're going to execute the plan. Well, not you, but Jungkook. He plays a significant role in it. It all depends upon him." Taehyun explained. I listened to him, attentively.

Something in his voice just compels you to listen.

Wait what- I mean, I'm only attending to his words because I have my own gain from it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

"He MUST make an unbreakable vow to Taehyung within today. Because they won't be meeting each other from tomorrow. They must vow to tie the knot with each other. An unbreakable vow cannot be broken under any circumstances. Jungkook should announce about the vow during your Christmas dinner. And blimey! Your marriage will be broken in an instant!" Taehyun snapped his fingers in the air.

"You're a genius, Kang Taehyun!" My mouth flung open.

It was...that easy?

"Well, it's nothing, I just had to unearth what solution Remus Lupin had found for Sirius Black in the early 1970s." Taehyun shrugged.

"Also, you should hurry, inform Jungkook about the plan so that quick actions can be taken!" Taehyun encouraged me.

"O-oh yeah." Yes, I should leave. The Hogwarts Express leaves tomorrow. Jungkook is bound to make the unbreakable vow today itself. I reach out for my bag that I put away beside me.

"Y/n.." Taehyun suddenly called out.

I abruptly turned to him just to discover his face being tremendously close to mine. My heart started to race and a little gasp escaped my mouth. Instinctively, I pulled away a little.

I noticed Taehyun's hand rise in the air. Is he going to slap me. Gosh I'll- wait. He isn't slapping me, instead, his hand reached out to my face.

A few strands of hair were falling on my face, tenderly, Taehyun's hand removed those strands of hair from my face and tucked them behind my ear.

"Merry Christmas, Y/n.." Taehyun said, softly.

I could sense the blood rushing to my cheeks as I felt hot all of a sudden.


Am I red in the face? I am red in the face. Why am I red in the face? Am I blushing? *Scoff* ridiculous. That wanker no way in hell can make me blush.

I'm red just because I was embarassed. It's because I was uncomfortable. This is the first time I've been so close to the opposite sex. Hence, I was antsy, that's all.

Stomping through the hallways, as the scene just continued to play in my mind, I climbed into the common room.

People were hanging around in groups varying in members. Ivy and Caspian were by the fireplace, bickering. Hyunjin was settled on the couch with some of his friends. Jungkook was playing chess with a Slytherin from his year and- wait Jungkook oh yes.

The vision of the time turner suddenly formed in my mind.

With a smirk pasted on my face, I made my way towards Jungkook. I flipped the chess board, flinging the chess pieces. All of them ended up on the floor.

"What the fuck, Y/n." Jungkook leapt up from his seat, furious. Sehun, the one Jungkook was playing chess with rose up from his seat as well. I landed Sehun back into his seat by pushing his chest.

"You should be prepared to let go of the thing you promised to hand me." I sneered. "Wha- WHAT?" Jungkook shrieked, surprised. His eyes widened when he realised what I meant.

He gripped my wrist and started dragging me to the boys'dormitory while I was aware of all the attention we recieved from the crowd as we passed through them.

I didn't mind it.

After we got to Jungkook's dorm, he threw me into the room after opening the door, letting go off me.

"You like it rough, don't you?" I sneered, while watching Jungkook cast the Muffliato charm so that no one could overhear us.

"What did you mean out there?" Jungkook spat. "Did you perhaps....?" His sentence died out but I was completely aware of what he was trying to mean.

"Yes, my love." I said, sarcastically.

"Oh my god!" Jungkook almost squealed in glee. "I didn't even seek help from you and you and oh my God- wait, are you lying?"

"Don't you trust your future wife?" I smirked, folding my arms. Suddenly Jungkook put on a quizzed face. "You're suspicious. You won't help me out like this for fre-"

"The time-turner." I reminded him.

The realisation hit him. "Oh yeah, yeah I told you." Jungkook explored the pockets of his robes and pulled out the tempting time-turner.

"You carry this around?" I was in disbelief. How can someone carry such a precious belonging so carelessly? "My parents have no idea that I have this with myself. They never check the treasures. Keeping this with myself will be much safer than taking the risk by keeping it at home." Jungkook shrugged.

"Okay, give it to me that." I demanded.

Jungkook sniggered. "The execution of the plan, first." He gave the time-turner a swing in the air before shoving it back into his pocket. "Fair." I admitted.

"Go on." Jungkook rocked his hand in the air as a gesture for me to tell the plan.

"You've heard about The Unbreakable Vow, haven't you?" I smirked.

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