Chapter 14: Back to Hogwarts

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2nd January, 2023

After reaching Hogwarts, after the Christmas holidays, I was looking all around for Taehyun but I had failed to catch any glimpse of him.

He wasn't in sight even during the dinner. I sensed the time-turner in my pocket and immediately, satisfaction rose inside me.

I've informed Caspian and Ivy about the cut off of the marriage. But I didn't bother to tell them about the time-turner. It's none of their business.

We were on our way to our common room. By the time we had reached the stairs, I spotted Taehyun dissolved into a conversation with his friends, making his way from the opposite side.

Until his eyes fell on me.

A grin suddenly formed on my face. He understood what it meant. He gently, smiled back in return. But this was not all, it's as if my feet had a mind of it's own. I sprint towards him and jumped onto him, wrapping my arms around his shoulder.

"You're a fucking genius, Kang Taehyun!" I exclaimed.

Though he was taken aback at first, it didn't take him much time for patting my back, acknowledging the hug.

I let go of him.

"It worked?" He asked with the same benign smile on his lips. I nodded enthusiastically. "I'm happy for you..." His replied.


My expression suddenly turned blank as I realised we had audience watching us. Spending the solitary time with him back in the Clock Tower made me forget that their can be other students watching us.

Taehyun's friends, Yeonjun, Soobin, Beomgyu and Hueningkai, stared at us with open mouths, dumb-struck. I glanced back, Caspian and Ivy were appalled as well.

Not only that, the other students from varying years had stopped their journey to their common rooms just to watch us.


Though I was self-conscious now, I tried my very best not to let it show on my face. I pulled out my wand and pointed it at the audience, threateningly. "The fuck are y'all looking at? Get going, wankers!"

All the audience disappeared in an instant except our friends who were still trying to decide whether this is a nightmare or a reality.

I was probably red in the face. "See you around." I muttered to Taehyun without daring to meet his eyes and ran towards the direction of my common room.

I was soon accompanied by Caspian and Ivy on my either side.

"What. Is. This?" Caspian seemed to be dreading the answer. "What is what? Christmas is over, we're back at Hogwarts, we're on our way to our common room." I acted oblivious.

"You think we're fools?" Caspian spat.

I do.

As we were rushing, we had already reached our common room, I went in, being tailed behind closely by Caspian and Ivy. I was making my way to my dormitory, trying to ignore the two of them but suddenly my wrist wa grabbed roughly which made me stop and I was being turned around, forcefully.

It was Ivy.

"What?" I snapped. I was aware of all the eyes of the students in the common room on us. "You hugged him!" Caspian appeared beside her.

"It was....." I had no explanation honestly. "What's going y/n, are you...are you two?" Ivy's expression darkened as if something was happening between me and Taehyun, she would burn down the school.

I snorted. "What? No!"

"Why did you hug him like that then?" Caspian protested. "Okay. Listen, I'll explain it to y'all!" I raised my hands in surrender. "Let's go to Caspian's dorm, uh? For secrecy?" I suggested.

Though they seem to be quite unsure of the proposal, they eventually agreed.

"We could've gone to your dorm." Caspian unlocked the door and ushered us into his dorm. "You'd be thrown out. You know that." Ivy rolled her eyes.

"Oh yeah...." Caspian entered the dorm after us and locked the door after him, casting the Muffliato charm.

"So, y/n, explain." Ivy demanded, folding her arms as Caspian lit up the dorm dimly. I settled myself on the edge of a bed, surfing excuses in my mind.

"He helped me break off the marriage." I stated, truthfully. "Taehyun?" Caspian shrieked in disbelief. I nodded. "But...why?" Caspian was suspicious.

Yeah I'd agree that it doesn't make quite of a sense that Taehyun would help me out of this trouble without having a gain from it.

We're not exactly friends I mean.

Are we?

"Yeah, there's no way that nerd would do something so kind to you." Ivy said. I mean they're quite right tho. Wait- what do I say now? I have to come up with a believable excuse.

I put on my usual evil expression. "Well I assume you're already familiar with the fact that he's a half-blood." I inclined myself on one arm that was on the bed, leaning back, confidently, not letting them see the emotional turmoil I'm having.

"Duh?" Ivy replies, sassily.

"Well, turns out, he's poor as well." I shrugged my shoulders. "Not surprising." Caspian seemed to believe me. He's a fool, really.

"Yeah, so, after finding out about this whole marriage thingy, he offered to help me out." I continued. "He offered to help you out? Out of nowhere?" Ivy still wasn't convinced.

"I know, right? I was astonished by it as well. But it turned out that his family was bankrupt and he was trying to pocket some money by hook and crook. He was already aware that my family was fortunate and thus offered to help me out for money." I hope this is believable.

"I wonder why that wanker was bankrupt!" Caspian sniggered.

As I mentioned earlier, Caspian is nothing more than a fool. You'd tell him that the crow is white and you had spotted a white crow in your trip to Paris, and he would believe it.

"It's still strange that he offered you help. He could've asked money from his friends, or other Ravenclaws. Helping you out of nowhere is just odd." Ivy was still suspicious. She wasn't buying this shit.

"Desperation leads you to do unpredictable works." I said, casually.

Ivy was about to contradict me. So, I jumped onto my feet and went up to her. "Holidays are over, Thea and Zoe must be back as well. Let's go have some fun with them." I suggested, smirking.

"Oh, how can I refuse such an offer?" Ivy sneered as well.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder as we started to head out. "I'm assuming I can't join?" Caspian frowned. "Nope" I said, dropping the 'p'.

"I was afraid you'd change if you meddle with that snob." Ivy said. "Oh don't worry, there's nothing going on for you to worry about." I assured her. I was probably lying.

"Are you sure?" Ivy questioned.

"I am damn sure!" I waved my hand in the air. Both of us exit the boys' dormitory and make our way to our own.

"Are you really dating Caspian?" The question just arouse in my mind. I couldn't help but speak it out. "Yeah, why?" Ivy replied. "You guys don't act like it." I stated my observation.

"We'd like to keep it private." Ivy answered.

"But don't the guys see you sneaking into Caspian's dormitory?" I asked. "They tend to forget it." Ivy shrugged. I know what she meant. She erases their memories. "Gosh, I am third-wheeling so bad!" I exclaimed.

"Why? Don't you have Taehyun?" Ivy rolled her eyes.

"Oh, come on! We have nothing going on!"

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