Chapter 6: The deal

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12th September 2022

The past week has awfully been quiet. Taehyun has not messed up with me ever since. I'm thinking of earning some profit from him over this issue. I did mock him from time to time but he has continued to ignore me.

I haven't disclosed the matter to Caspian or Ivy.

We attended our detention last week. We were relied the task of cleaning the trophies. It wasn't a bad thing to be honest. Though Ivy kept complaining how the dust was making her sneeze.

I take a gulp of my pumpkin juice from the goblet just when someone slams their palm on the table just next to my food. It did make all the food bounce a little. It gave me quite a start as well.

"Meet me after the last class of the day. Clock tower." A voice said, in an ordering manner from above me. My eyes travelled to the owner of the voice. Taehyun. His eyes were staring down at mine, expressionless.

I scoffed, the corners of my mouth went up.

"Who do you think you are? To order me around? You horse-drenched half blood. " I glared back at him with the same intensity. "Just do as I say this once, uh? I can guarantee you won't be disappointed." His eyes softened a little.

I smirked.

"Won't be disappointed? Oh I'm having wild thoughts of what you're scheming to do with me." I said. Taehyun rolled his eyes. "Just come." With that, he left.

Gleaming, I turned back to the table. I noticed that everyone had their heads turned towards me. "The fuck are y'all looking at?" I snapped. Everyone either turned back to their food or got involved into a conversation with their neighbour in an instant.

Hmm.... Power... I love this.

Everyone focused on their own work. Everyone except these two people I have as friends.

Both of them were sitting across me. The toast that probably Caspian was about to shove into his mouth, froze midway. Ivy was eyeing me with eyes that demanded an explanation.

"Just what was that?" Caspian asked.

Before I could come up with an excuse, the empty space beside me was suddenly occupied. Who the fuck is it now. "I thought you were single?" Jungkook settled on the seat beside me.

"The fuck are you doing here? Also, I am single." I rolled my eyes. "You think I'm blind?" Jungkook helped himself with some toast. "That Ravenclaw. What was his name again? Taeyong? Taeyeon?" Jungkook wondered.

"Taehyun." Ivy uninterestedly said. Jungkook snapped the fingers of his unoccupied hand. "Yes. Taehyun. It really looked like y'all had something going on."

I scoffed. It was louder than intended.

"Me? Having? Something? With? That? Knobby? Little? Ravenclaw?" My words were dripping with sarcasm. "I would sanitize myself even because the shadow of a half-blood was near me. And you expect me to have a 'thing' going on with that filthy Half-blood? That too Ravenclaw."

Jungkook took a bite of his toast and shrugged.

"There's really nothing going on!" I protested. "If you say so." Jungkook wasn't convinced. "Whatever it is. Find something a way out of our marriage thingy. I'm trying my best. And I expect the same from you." He added.

"Why should I?" I raised a brow and smirked, leaning in. "I don't really have a problem with this marriage."

Jungkook shifted away from me. "But I do. Listen, I'm willing to pay any price for this." The volume of his voice decreased. "Even the time-turner that my family secretly posses. Just..." He sighed. He's really stressed. This makes me want to mock him even more. "I want this marriage." I stated, taking a sip from my goblet holding pumpkin juice.

"You're such an impossible bitch!!" Shrieking, Jungkook stomped away, enraged. "Love you too, honey!" I continued mocking him.

"Don't tell me you're not being sarcastic." Caspian stared at Jungkook's back stomping away from us.

"I am being sarcastic. I don't want this marriage either." I said, truthfully.

The sound of the bell echoed, signalling that it was time for the lessons. We hurriedly rushed off. I was glad that the whole Taehyun incident slipped off from both Caspian and Ivy's head.

After the tiring classes come to an end, I went to the clock tower. I wasn't really enthusiastic about this meet. However, I was curious of what he had to offer.

There were no students around. It was just the tall figure of the Ravenclaw boy, staring at the scenery, inclined on the railing, while the huge clock was ticking incessantly.

I lead onto the frame of the giant door. "Did I keep you waiting?"

Taehyun turned around, his face covered with distress. "You're here." He said. I started walking towards him. With my back leant against the railing, I stood by him.

"The sun will set soon." Taehyun stared out, at a distance. "Just get to the main topic. Unless you have other plans." I observed him, a sneer pasted on my face.

"I knew you'd want that." His eyes met mine. It was so sudden that my eyes instinctively travelled elsewhere for a split second before turning back to him. "What do you even have to offer?" I said, casually.

"I heard you're getting married." Taehyun pushed his hands into his pockets. "So, you're interested in my personal life now, aren't you?" I leaned in a little.

"I was informed that it's against your will?" Taehyun interrogated. "You clearly want me so bad." I smirked, trying to seduce the fuck out of him. Taehyun sighed, tired.

"Just be serious for a while, will you? It's for your own benefit." Taehyun said.

I pulled myself back. "What do you mean?" I was a little surprised. "You can't possibly mean that you'll help me get out of this marriage thingy."

"That's exactly what I'm intending to do."

"You're kidding!" I scoffed. "I'm not." Something was so serious in his voice that it made me believe him. "Why would you?" I raised a brow.

"You're not much quick, are you?" Taehyun's statement made me pull out my wand. "Keep that in. Let's have a normal conversation." His voice was too calm and soothing. Eyeing him suspiciously, I shoved awa my wand.

"You keep my secret." Taehyun stood straight and pointed his index finger at me. "And I help you out of this marriage." He gestured at himself with his thumb. "Within this summer itself." He added.

Taehyun extended his hand out, as a proposal for the deal.

I surveyed his extended hand and then the expression on his face. I mean the marriage isn't really much of a deal to me. It's my job to marry into a pure-blood family anyway. Also, since it's not like an unbreakable vow, I'm not committing much into anything. I can still spill his secret.

This nerd is extremely naive to trust me.

With an amused expression, I shook his hand. His palm was warm. We let go quickly before it got any awkward. I just want to see where this goes. Also, if I can get a way out of the marriage, I might be able to get a grip of Jungkook's time-turner.

"Come here again after classes on Friday. Same time. I'll give you a brief of what I'm progress I make over the week." Taehyun said.

"You're clearly interested in seeing me again and again, aren't you?" I know he isn't. It's just fun to see him being bothered.

Rolling his large brown eyes, Taehyun left without another word.

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