Chapter 32: The Start of a War

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14th May, 2023

Momo timidly walked into the classroom. Her eyes fell on me and she abruptly diverted them. Her timidness is understandable. She wasn't really familiar with Taehyun's friend group.

"Listen, I know that it sounds completely unusual and you'd think we've hit our head somewhere, but can you give us a brief on the current situation?" Taehyun walked up to us.

"Current situation?" Momo asked.

"Yeah." Beomgyu replied.

"Well.... Is anything wrong? Everything is just as it always been. You people are acting strange." Momo said, quizzed.

"Harry Potter is alive, right?" Yeonjun cut the crap. "Why are you asking about him all of a sudden? He is.... alright? Right? Never heard any news of anything happening to him." Momo answered.

Everyone's facial contortions relaxed a little.

"He Who Must Not Be Named is gone, right?" Soobin anxiously asked. "Ofcourse he is! Have y'all lost your memories?" Momo is probably thinking we're yampy right now.

"Snape is dead, isn't he?" Taehyun questioned, though he looked like he probably knew the answer ahead. "Yeah, didn't he die during the war? Y'all are acting strange!" She looks like she's thinking of running away.

"McGonagall is the headmistress, isn't she?" Beomgyu interrogated.

"Okay, why are you asking me all this? Ofcourse she is!" Momo cried out.

Yeonjun told her that she may leave.


I erased her memory of the past few minutes before she departed from the room. "That wasn't necessary." Taehyun stated. "Y'all won't want rumours, do you?" I rolled my eyes.

"We should start planning about what to do with Delphini." Yeonjun declared. I jumped to my feet. "Not my problem. Y'all are on it by yourselves." I said.

"Actually...." Yeonjun started, "I was thinking of informing about this to McGonagall and tell everyone to evacuate except the ones that wish to stay and fight. So, everyone will know eventually. We'll summon Delphini here tomorrow and fight her."

"Y'all need a whole army to fight her? Pathetic." I make my way to the door, not without glancing curtly at Taehyun and averting my gaze just when he caught me.

"You think she's alone?" Beomgyu sniggered. "She's Voldemort's daughter. She probably is making an army herself as well."

Does it bother me? No.

"Not my problem, losers." I slip through the door, biding them a sarcastic goodbye, I stroll away.

Without any specific destination in mind, I walk on my way.

So, they're planning to face Delphini directly. They're already aware of the danger. If The Dark Lord was like that, Delphini is not someone who should be underestimated either.


I turned around just to see Taehyun sprinting towards me. For one moment, I considered ignoring him and going on my way. But... I didn't.

"What else do you want from me?" I sternly asked.

"Your forgiveness." He replied as he stood infront of me. "You definitely ain't getting that." I refused to be weak this time. "Understandable." He acknowledged.

"I want you to do something." He started.

"What?" I hissed, folding my arms.

"You must leave tomorrow. Don't try to act brave or something and stay back. McGonagall will probably evacuate the students. You must leave. She knows you. She might target you." Taehyun said, concerned.

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