Chapter 21: Hogsmeade

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25th March, 2023

After letting almost all the students pass through the exit of Hogwarts for Hogsmeade including Caspian and Ivy, I sneakily emerged into the leftover crowd.

Not after long, Taehyun affiliated in the throng as well.

Keeping an ample distance between us, I led the way to the Hog's Head. I entered into the pub and was soon joined by Taehyun.

This was a tactic to not seem suspicious that we're going somewhere together. "Shall we go to a corner table?" Taehyun suggested. I nodded.

After ordering and paying for two butterbeers, Taehyun carried them and ushered the way to the table farthest from the door.

We settled at the table.

Taehyun pushed a butterbeer across the table, towards me. "What excuse did you give this time?" Taehyun started. "They have no idea that I'm here. I lied that I wasn't feeling well and will just rest in our dorm room." I shrugged.

"They weren't suspicious?" He questioned.

"No. Ivy insisted on staying by my side. I refused. Caspian took my side somehow saying how it was a day for Ivy to enjoy. Though I'm not entirely sure what he meant by that."

Taehyun just smiled for a response.

I take a look around the pub. "This seems to be your go-to-spot for a date, isn't it?" "What do you mea- Delphini?" Taehyun frowned.

I nodded, taking a sip of my butterbeer.

"I told you I have nothing going on with Delphini." Tae protested. I sighed. "Taehyun, I think it's time you tell me who exactly Delphini is. I'm your girlfriend now."

"I..." He seemed hesitant.

"You have two options, either tell me the truth as it is or I'll slip Veritaserum in your drink someday." Truthfully, this whole Delphini thing has been disquieting me ever since we've started going out.

"Y/n... Don't freak out,okay? This is a grave issue." Taehyun warned. "Ugh! Just open up already." I rolled my eyes, leaning on my seat with the butterbeer in my hand, sipping.

"Her full name is Delphini Diggory." Taehyun started. "Diggory? I think I've heard that surname somewhere. Pure-blood, right?" I couldn't recall where I've come across that surname.

"Yes, pure-blood.But what makes the surname unique is... that the surname belongs to the student from Hogwarts that died during the Triwizard Tournament in 1994."

"The spare one killed by The Dark Lord, ain't it?" I said, indifferently.

"Yes, the one who lost his life in the command of He Who Must Not Be Named who had intended to kill Harry Potter. Cedric Diggory." Taehyun sighed out as if Cedric's death made him melancholic.

"They're related?" I asked, unbothered.

"They're cousins." Taehyun replied. "I really don't see how that has made you meet her secretly." I supped some butterbeer.

"My father works at the Ministry. One day, I had to visit him during the holidays at the ministry. That's when I first encountered Cedric's father who is now old was accompanied by his niece, Delphini Diggory were visiting Harry Potter to seek some help about Cedric. The way Cedric's father was almost begging on his knees to Harry Potter while Potter paid no heed to him just compelled me to help them in any and every way I could."

"You're not going to tell me how exactly you're helping them?" I raised a brow, unamused.

"Y/n... I have promised them that I won't apprise this to anyone else." Taehyun sighed out.

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