Chapter 15: Midnight

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17th January, 2023

I cannot sleep. It is past midnight and my eyes have refused to let any sleep come to me. I am starving. I had to skip dinner today because I was working on my Charms homework that is due tomorrow.

I believed it would be alright.

But here I am, wide-awake in the middle of the night, pondering about food.

The others are all in their slumbers. I cannot do this. I am bound to go to the kitchen. I cannot just stay like this till breakfast. I might faint. Besides, staying hungry is never the solution.

I got onto my feet and carefully sneaked out of the room, making my way through the common room that was filled with 7th year students dozing open mouthed over their NEWT textbooks.

The thought that this would probably be my condition in one year sends shivers down my spine.

I hurried out of the common room and made my way to the direction where the kitchen was. Through the course of my journey, I continued to look around to make sure I wasn't spotted by Filch or Mrs. Norris.

That cat is such a Barmy!

I almost reached the kitchen when I suddenly was overcome with pain in my right foot. I couldn't walk any forward. I froze at the spot. It was as if my foot was stung with something.

Groaning in pain, I rose up my foot to realise the situation. Oh fuck. A piece of broken glass had stung my foot, causing blood to flow a little.


This has to be that wanker! Always causing trouble.

I wince in pain. Suddenly I heard footsteps lingering from somewhere behind me. They weren't too far. Filch? Gosh, no, not a detention just during the start of the term!

"Who's there?" A voice suddenly called out. Wait- this voice seems familiar. "Taehyun?" I replied through the darkness that was dimly lit.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" The footsteps hurried until they reached me. There was Taehyun in his nightgown along with a lit wand. Oh shit. I forgot my wand.

I swear I have to stop talking to Caspian. The dumbness is coming to me through osmosis.

"Why are you standing like th- oh my God, Y/n-" His eyes fell on my foot that I was currently holding up with my palm. "What happened?" Taehyun seemed concerned. What does he mean what happened?

Is he blind?

Oh Merlin! it hurts.

"Can't you see? This bloody glass! Ugh! Must be Peeves! That bloody dickhead! I swear if we could use curses on ghosts. I would have Avada Kedavra-ed him a long time ago! That imbecile!"

"I assume you won't go to Madam Pomfrey?" Taehyun ignored all those complaints I had against Peeves. "You want to be in detention together for being out after the curfew?" I rolled my eyes.

"I thought so." Taehyun seemed considerate. He glanced around once. "Let's get to to the nearest classroom. I think I can fix this." He suggested.

Before I got accept or refuse his offer, he threw one of my arm over his shoulders. That was so sudden that it sent a rush down my spine. I-its just embarassing.

"Try walking, uh?" Taehyun suggested. Keeping one foot in the air, I tried walking on the other. But taking one step seemed like it was taking forever.

"If you keep this up, we're going to get to the classroom after dawn." Taehyun said, impatiently. "I'm using one leg, you idiot!" I snapped.

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