Chapter 27: Time turner

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15th May, 2023

Days have been cruel and nights have been sleepless. I always used to observe girls getting all lovesick and crying themselves to sleep just because a random guy in their lives wasn't acting well. I always thought of it to the the most absurd thing in the world.

Until.... It happened to me.

I've been crying ever since that day. Randomly, I would burst into tears. I've taken onto the habit of crying myself to sleep. However, I was smart enough to cast Muffliato when I do that.

The news about the breakup had spread rather fast. Faster than I expected it to. However, I was keen on pretending I was fine and everything was fine while I was in public. I tried to dissimulate as if everything was just as it was.

But, it wasn't enough to restrict people from turning their heads and gossiping about you wherever you pass by.

But, I was able to keep my pride intact.

However, it was true that I had stopped hexing people for fun. I had stopped bullying younger students just for a laugh. It just isn't as amusing as it used to be.

My life is overturned, isn't it?

I could never be the same old me again. On the contrary, Taehyun actually didn't seem to get any affected. He was the same as he was before me.

The same old nerd who spent all his free time at the library and the rest at lessons and with his friends.

Meanwhile, I'm here in my room, not even willing to go for breakfast. Though a few days have passed, the pain is still the same. This shouldn't have happened. Thi is pathetic. I am miserable. I wish I could just turn back time.



Turn back time?! TURN BACK TIME!! YES THAT'S IT!!

I hastily pushed my hands into my pockets to reach out for the time-turner that I always have.


It's... it's not here!

I hunt for it in my pocket once more just to make sure. But no, it wasn't here. Haha, I forgot, it must be ok my trunk. I rushed to my trunk. All these days of this stupid relationship, yes, because of this it just slipped off my mind that I had put it in my trunk, safely.

I fished around once. But no, there wasn't any sign of the time-turner. I pulled out each and every belonging of mine that was in the trunk. It might have gone to the bottom. But no, the trunk was just empty at the end.

I was overcome with anger and panic at once.

I hastened out of the room where by the door I bumped into Thea and Zoe. "I would curse the shit out of you. Did any of you do it?" I threateningly aimed my wand at them.

They flinched, frightened and puzzled at the same time. No, not them. "W-what?" Thea stammered. Those fearful eyes were enough to verify that no, they wouldn't dare to.

"Nothing." I muttered and darted out, no destination in mind.

I spotted Caspian and Ivy on the couch, Caspian aiming his wand at a first year half-blood and Ivy eagerly watching. I ran up to them.

Ivy. Yes, that's it. I had always been in doubt why Ivy had stopped speaking to me. Instead of seeking revenge or cursing the shit out of me.

"You bitch!" I pointed my wand at her, intimidatingly.

"The fuck, Y/n?" Caspian stopped whatever he was doing and stood up coming in between me and Ivy, who had leapt to her feet as well.

"Move. Caspian." I ordered. However, Caspian kept his position intact, withdrawing his wand out. "No, I won't." He said, firmly.

He was stubborn, there was no use.

"You stole it, didn't you?" I was furious. "Stole what?" Caspian snapped,on Ivy's behalf. "She knows what." I glared at Ivy. "She did not steal anything, Y/n." Caspian said.

"You don't know! You don't! I was always wondering why she has awfully been quiet ever since that day. Is this how you decide to seek revenge, you wimp?!" I spat. "I have no idea what you're talking about, but, no Y/n, she didn't do anything. You're overreacting." Caspian defended.

"Shut it, Caspian. I don't intend to talk to you. Ivy, quit hiding behind your boyfriend and face me. I know you stole i-" I was interrupted by Ivy. She finally spoke to me ever since that incident.

"Why don't you ask your pretty ex boyfriend about it?" Her tone was calm. "W-what?" I was dumb-struck. What did she mean?

"I overheard something I shouldn't have. On top of that. Your breakup and this robbery. Isn't it weird that all this is aligned?" She blankly stared into my eyes.

Spontaneously, I lowered my wand.

T-Taehyun? He would never.

"Can't believe that he would do it, eh? Why don't you try consulting him once?" Ivy hissed.


"KANG FUCKING TAEHYUN." I yelled as I stomped into The Great Hall. All heads turned to me

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