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14th April 2033

I knocked on the door of the cottage, surveying around once, making sure I wasn't tailed, fixing my hood. Not after long, the door was opened. However, I wasn't allowed to enter in.

I sighed out, exhausted.

"Yeah I forgot your birthday in March, 10 years ago because I was blinded by a man's love." I rolled my eyes.

The long black haired witch with a pale face, brown siren eyes nodded, stepping aside, letting me in after confirming I wasn't anyone else under the influence of polyjuice potion.

"Till when are you going to remind me of that mistake ten years ago?" I groaned as I hung my travelling cloak on the cloak rack nearby.

"Till when are you going to keep making me guard your home?" Ivy snapped.

"What? I thought you enjoyed this lone time I arrange for you and your husband, away from your infuriating  children." I hopped onto the couch.

"Why were you late?"

The wizard with considerably long black hair, brown eyes and sharp features questioned. "Came across some cute witch robes." I shrugged.

"Since you're home now, we'll take our leave." Ivy snatched her travelling cloak. I leaned back onto the couch. "Have somewhere to go?"

"A pure-blood gathering." Caspian's weight lifted from the couch.

"Wish I could attend." I replied. "It'll be boring. I'm already aware. I'll just sneak out with your friend here." Caspian flirtatiously indicated about Ivy.

"Oh, get a room!" I groaned out.

"Oh, we will." Caspian replied.

"Shut it, Nyx. Okay, Y/n, we'll take the leave. We'll visit soon. Owl us." Ivy said. "Sure Mrs. Nyx." Caspian winked at Ivy before turning to me. "Goodbye, Y/n."

I nodded.

They exited the cottage door.

If you're wondering what happened after what history acknowledges as 'The Second Battle of Hogwarts', let me explain it to you.

Taehyun didn't die.

He never was planned to die. During my re-encounter with Caspian and Ivy in 2023, I instructed Caspian to start attacking the death-eaters as soon as Delphini shoots any curse at Taehyun. I told him to cause chaos, something he has always been good at.

I also mandated him to spread this news as much as he could.

Just so a chaotic environment would be created where people would be shooting jinxes at one another.

It was predictable that Delphini would be overcome with anger and use the Killing Curse. It was clear that Delphini wa gifted in Dark Arts and she would win against Taehyun.

Honestly, he only was wiser than he was strong.

Caspian was talented in some extremely difficult magic. One of those was shifting stuff and people to completely different places. Hence, I asked him to do it right at the moment Taehyun would be about to be hit by the Killing Curse.

Caspian wasn't willing to do it.

Mostly because Taehyun was a half-blood. However, I managed to persuade him.

None of us were sure if it'd work out. But.... Everything happened in our favour. It wasn't my perfect scheme, it was just sheer luck.

Taehyun didn't die, but was deeply injured and ended up in The Shrieking Shack.

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