Chapter 17: Detention pt.2

181 14 4

18th January 2023

I shift a little closer to him. "You still think so?" "Yes." He said, indifferently. Nodding, understandingly, I shifted even closer to him so that our knees seem to be adjoined. "Still?" I questioned, innocently.

Taehyun cleared his throat, unwilling to meet my eyes that were intensely staring at his face. "Yes."

"Don't tell me you're so nervous that you're unable to meet my eyes." I chuckled, evilly. "It's nothing like that." Taehyun admitted. Though I could spot blood rushing to his cheeks.

I don't know what's getting onto me. But I don't want to lose this battle.

I leapt up to my feet and okay listen I am sure someone has put on the Imperius curse on me, because I went ahead and sat on Taehyun's lap. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY I DID THAT SHUT UP. I just wanted to make him nervous. That's all.

Facing him, I sat on his thighs and put my arms on either of his shoulders. "Look at me." I ordered. "Y-y/n, what are you...." Yes! He's stuttering. I'm asserting dominance well.

His trembling eyes met mine that were overflowing with nerve.

I noticed that Taehyun was too nervous to even move a muscle. He froze at the spot. "Y-y/n..." His lips quivered.

I placed my index finger seductively on his lips. " speak too much." I whispered flirtatiously. He kept staring back at me with wide unsure eyes.

Resting my arm back on his shoulder, I leaned in. This is fun. I brought my face as close to him as I could. I could sense that he was in loss of words.

I maintained a gap of a few inches between our lips, while I temptingly intensified our gaze. He really smells nice. His breath is all out of place. I could feel it against my skin.

I inclined my head to one side, slowly closing my eyelids, reaching out for his lips with mine, feeling his hot breath. He didn't initiate the kiss but he wasn't backing away either.

Just when my lips reached the distance of an inch from his, I shut my eyes open and stopped. A timid Taehyun infront of me. I pulled back and broke into a laughter.

"Now would you say that it was uninteresting?" I sniggered.

"You-" Taehyun narrowed his eyes, and said through gritted teeth. "Be careful with what you say, nerd." I smirked. I pulled back my arms and was about to rise up, contented with myself.

Suddenly I felt an arm being wrapped around my waist that pulled me back and made me sit on Taehyun's lap again. O-oh?

Taehyun wrapped his other arm around my waist as well, trapping me there. I could feel my heart doing gymnastics in my chest and it was getting harder to breathe. What's happening.

"Taehyun-" I managed to speak out.

"What do you think of me as?" Taehyun said, indifferently. "What do you mean?" I replied. "You think you can just come sit on my lap and seduce me and I'll just let you go?" His expression darkened. This is the first time I'm seeing him like this.

I was well aware that my wand rests in my pocket and I can break free anytime I want. But my body seemed to be reluctant to move.

But- if not break free? What do I do?

My brain seemed to malfunction. Okay, I accept I did try to flirt with him but I never planned what to do if he flirts back. WHAT DO I DO?!

Okay, calm down, I cannot let it show that he's having any effect on me.

The safest option is to flirt back.

"You won't let me go?" I tried my best to smirk assertively. Taehyun smirked as well. This...this is the first time I've witnessed Taehyun smirk..he..uh...looks .. kinda... WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME-

He chuckled in a low pitch. Okay he should stop this. This is the first time I've heard his low pitch and it's... hot SHUT UP

"I'm not intending to." He stated. "Oh then, what are you gonna do?" I raised a brow accompanied by a smug. "You want to see?" He replied. "I want to see." I answered.

He pulled me closer by my waist. His grip tightened as his other hand proceeded to cup my left cheek. It was caressing my cheek for a few moments until abruptly it went to the back of my head and pulled me closer to him.

The only thing I'm fearing right now is what if he hears my loud and rapid heartbeats?!

He stopped my face inches away from his, his eyes observing my lips hungrily. My breath was all hitched. His eyes were pasted on my lips. He would suddenly bring his lips even closer for a second before backing away again. He kept repeating this action for a few times. It was exhausting and I was getting impatient.

I held him by his collar and pulled him in, initiating the kiss.


Yes, I initiated the kiss, what's wrong in that? Huh?

Though I myself was all anxious about this, I couldn't let it show. Taehyun's lips were really soft. My heart was rolling back and forth in my body. They were right when they said that fireworks explode when you kiss.

Also, this was my first kiss...

Though he surprised at first, it wasn't long until I felt Taehyun smirking against my lips. He leaned into the kiss and soon our lips started to move in sync.

It was heavenly.

I couldn't think of anything else. My hand crept to the back of his head as I pulled him in even more, deepening the kiss. He would smirk in between the kisses before intensifying it even more.

Without giving a damn for the world we kissed for a minute straight, enjoying every moment of it. As for a first kiss, this was the most divine feeling.

We separated.

Our lips parted just to catch breath, smiling, we breathed against each other with our foreheads joined, arms around each other's bodies.

Until... I realised what I just did.

I pulled back my hands and gasped. Oh shit oh shit oh shit. I realise the mistake I just made when my senses came back to me. I... I just kissed a half-blood.... A Ravenclaw...

Taehyun was still taking in light breaths, with his eyes closed. This is wrong. This shouldn't be happening. I shouldn't be doing this.

I hurried out of his lap. Taehyun opened his eyes. "I... I'll leave." I said curtly, before sprinting away. On my way, I bumped into a table and landed on the ground. Yes, this is exactly what I wanted to happen just right after I kissed a half-blood Ravenclaw.

"Y/n-" I heard Taehyun call my name.

I jumped to my feet. "I'm fine! I'm fine!" I hastily dusted off myself and hurried to the door. "But the detention...." I heard Taehyun's voice again. "I'll handle it myself. Don't worry." Those were my last words before I dashed away from the classroom.

The detention is the last thing I'm worrying about right now.

I messed up real bad. This is so awkward. I am hurrying towards my common room. I don't know... Why did I do that. I was just teasing him. It wasn't my intention. But the moment was just so....

I touch my lips carefully with my fingers. He is a good kisse- SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Okay okay, calm down. It's just a kiss... Right... People snog just anyone. It doesn't really matter. It's just teenage hormones, right, RIGHT? It's not like I actually feel anything for him. Snogging isn't much of a big deal.

Snogging doesn't mean you like that person... right?

I messed up.

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