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January 2013

Adalina smiled as she walked through the paddock. She had elected to spend the last part of her winter break with her godfather. Everyone greeted her and congratulated her on a great first half of her season. It was her second season with the Wolfsburg first team, and she had only conceded five goals.

"Páte!" She grinned and hurried over to where Toto was standing.

He smiled at her, "there's my favourite patentochte."

"I'm your only goddaughter, Toto," she laughed as he pulled her in for a hug.

"Then it's a good thing you're my favourite or that would be awkward," he kissed her forehead.

She shook her head and hugged Susie. Adalina had become incredibly close with Toto's wife. The two linked their arms together.


She turned around and smiled when she saw Nico, "hello!"

"How are you?" Nico gave her a hug.

"I'm good thanks. You? How's practice going?"

"I'm good. It's great! Feeling good."

"Glad to hear it," she smiled.

"Congrats on such a great first half of the season. You look strong," Nico squeezed her hand.

"Oh thank you. I'm feeling good."

"You look good," his compliment made Adalina blush.

"Ahem!" Toto cleared his throat.

Adalina looked back at her godfather. His face was red, and he didn't look pleased. She rolled her eyes at him. She took her hand back from Nico and lightly bat Toto's arm.

"Stop that, Páte. It's just Nico. Nico, my friend. Nico, your driver."

"Oh, uhm, I can come back later," a new voice said.

Adalina looked over her shoulder. She saw Mercedes' new driver, Lewis standing there. He looked a little embarrassed to have interrupted.

"No need. I'm Adalina, Toto's goddaughter. Nice to meet you," she held her hand out.

"I'm Lewis. Nice to meet you, Adalina," he shook her hand.

"What's up, Lewis?" Nico threw an arm around the other driver's shoulders.

"I finished my laps, if you're ready for yours," Lewis explained.

"Great, thanks! I'll see you later, Ada. And then you'll have to tell me more about your games."

"Will do," she smiled before Nico walked away.

"Games?" Lewis asked.

"Adalina is a goalie for Frauen VfL Wolfsburg. She made her senior debut last season and has been the number one this season," Toto explained. Adalina smiled at him. His chest was puffed out, and she knew just how proud he was.

"Wow, that's impressive. Congratulations."

"Thank you."

"Ready to debrief?" Toto asked.

"Yes, sir," Lewis nodded.

"Alright, let's go. I'll see you two later," Toto hugged Ada and Susie before leading Lewis away.

Adalina watched as they walked away. Lewis looked back over his shoulder and winked at Adalina. She bit her lip through her smile.

"Oh God," Susie groaned.

"He's cute," she whispered to Susie.

"Don't let Toto hear you say that. He'll fire that poor driver without a second thought."

"That's why I told you," she giggled.

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