Chapter 2

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Dedicated to lestersprabo


Sylvia was now teary-eyed.

Aries couldn't comprehend what was happening. Was this a dream? Why would he see someone he's never seen before so vividly in his dream?

He turned to the mirror once more and stared at the face staring back. He was indeed a child, maybe 4 or 5 years. Could it be he was reincarnated?

He was void of scars. No single blemish. He took off the shirt he was wearing hurriedly, messing up his hair in the process. His tattoos were gone, the same ones he got to cover up all his scars. The regulation collar from the organization that used to be around his neck was gone. The little trinket that used to be on his chest connected to a device wrapped around his heart that would kill him by his master's very command, was gone!

He couldn't believe it! He was free! Sure he was dead now, but he had no one to live for back there. His heart felt like it was contracting, then he slowly started tearing up and then burst out into a silent cry. He didn't care how childish it was but he simply needed a release from all the pain he numbed over the years.

He then felt a pair of weak hands wrap around him, hugging him tightly. Sylvia was now kneeling to match his size and hugging him tightly. Aries heard her muffled crying. Making him stop.

"Young master, I'm so happy you're awake," Sylvia said between the sobs.

"It's all my fault I should have been more careful. I'm so sorry. You almost died!" Sylvia then slowly raised her head and grabbed Damon's shoulders with both her hands. Her eyes were kinda puffy and red after crying.

With a very serious expression she said, "Young master Damon, I Sylvia Perils promise to stay by your side and protect you to the best of my ability."

Aries felt his heart pang, not from pain, but he found her words very sweet.
Sweet? Was his emotions back with the new body? Almost immediately he raised his hand to the top of her head and rested it there for a second before smiling at her. "I'm okay. Thank you,"

Sylvia saw the swirl in his eyes. They were filled with calmness. Sylvia was relieved and quickly whipped away her tears and smiled at the young master. It had been a while since she saw this emotion in his eyes and he was really cute when smiling.

"I don't mean any offense, but can I ask you a question?" Aries suddenly asked after dropping his hand, then wore the shirt he had taken off.

"It is my job to serve you, I shall give you any piece of information in my reach that you wish to have. "She said while straightening her posture.

" Right..... I actually can't remember anything. "Aries said.

Sylvia's expression dulled," Yeah, the doctor did say you might suffer from memory loss. You've been unconscious for 10 days, I'm just happy you're alive." She said with a slight smile.

" You're the illegitimate child of Reymond Valera, Duke of Windlock," she started. 

Did she have to start with that? A name would have been better. Aries internally remarked.

"You're Damon Valera, the fourth young master in the Valera family, having three elder half brothers. Your mother was Genevieve Vallas, the duke's mistress, and she..., "she paused and her expression dulled," she's..... she's," her eyes getting teary once again, then she gulped and bit her lower lip. Why was it so had to say it?

"Dead." Aries finished her sentence and bit her lower lip trying to stop herself from crying and nodded in response.

'All this sounds all too familiar, ' Aries thought. Then the realization hit.

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