Chapter 17

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Dedicated to xXSlmpiyholdayXx


Victoria's eyes dilated. The killing intent in those eyes that strongly reassembled her husband's, was one she had never seen before. Damon's sword was right at her neck. One wrong move and she would be dead.

Damon's furrowed brows relaxed when he saw who it was and he lowered his sword but he was still on guard. He looked over at his father who was seated at his desk completely unfazed.

Victoria eyed him dangerously. She hated his hair. She hated it because he had 'her' hair. She hated his eyes. She hated them because they looked like those of the man she fell in love with. The same man who never once looked at her with the same love. She hated his face. How he looked so carefree like he wasn't a demon. She hated him. She hated his conception. She hated his very 'EXISTENCE'.

Damon felt a slight sting on his cheek before he heard the sound. He had already seen it coming. He stayed calm and didn't react which pissed off Victoria. Her face turned red in anger.

"Mother, it's good to see you," Damon said blankly. He wasn't giving her the satisfaction of seeing him cower in fear. Pissing her off was way more interesting for him.

"Moth... I wouldn't give birth to such a rat! How dare you threaten me?" She was losing it and Damon could sense her mana getting denser. She was going to attack him again. What threat was she talking about?

"I beg your pardon? What threat do you speak of," Damon felt disgusted talking to her like she deserved respect.

Me and this etiquette thing. It's not even close to half-assed! Not like she deserves it.

"Victoria! Stop this childishness. if you wish to make accusations, have valid evidence. This was supposed to be a simple interrogation," Reymond finally interfered.

He pointed to the lounge lightly, " Victoria have a seat and calm down."

Damon clenched his fist he didn't like where this was going. He was sure no one had known he infiltrated Windlock Mansion. That was nearly impossible. Mal's teleportation ability can't be sensed by magical barriers or magic users. He had simply teleported into her room, copied the documents that would expose her, and left. There was no way it was that. They had spoken of a threat which he knew nothing of. Looks like someone else had a grudge against the duchess.

" Damon Celenin Valera, the accusations brought forth, are of breaking into the Duchess' room, stealing important documents, and leaving a threat in the form of a statement and red spider lilies, the very flower seen as a call to death," Reymond says his aura thickening and the air in the room growing ice-cold.

Damon clenched his fists further, he felt his nails scrape his skin. These people made him so angry. He still kept his calm exterior. He calmed himself down before answering.

"I actually find red spider lilies beautiful, don't you think it's unreasonable to relate death to a flower?" Damon said flashing a sweet smile. He did know where the flowers came from but what could have been a good answer to those two.

Didn't work.

He dodged the ice crystal by a whisker.

Oh shit.

He felt a strong power wrap around him. Golden whips wrapped around his body restraining him. He felt his mana get compressed farther than he'd already compressed it. He got agitated instantly. He although kept a calm exterior.

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