Chapter 14

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Dedicated to ancientk9


Aries was a little concerned. The man in front of him, with foggy silver eyes and black hair. The smell of a concealment spell all over him. He got out of the water for air. He had been in the bath for long and the scented rose petals Sylvia had placed were getting soggy. He looked around the bathroom. It was filled up with the rose vanilla and jasmine scent he'd been using all these years. He picked up one of the rose petals and stared at it. The man from his mission came to mind, he didn't have an energy signal. Aries only noticed him because he heard him exhale behind him, everything else about him was silent, he couldn't hear or feel anything from him. And he was sure the man sighed loudly on purpose. He gave a slight smile to Aries before disappearing which left Aries slightly pissed. He figured he was someone sent by the imperial family. Trian wouldn't meddle in his missions. He quickly decided to push it aside.

He got out of the bath, headed inside the black and gold-themed room and wore his usual, plain black pants and a black button-up with golden buttons. He tied his long neat hair in a ponytail. What really weighed on his mind was his coming-of-age ceremony in the next five days. That meant he had to meet up with his family and disgusting nobles. He had been managing well without the help of his family and he preferred it that way. Victoria reached a point and cut the finances completely, but that didn't affect him in the slightest. The pay he'd get for one mission was more than five times what the manor used to get. So, they were faring on pretty well without House Valera's pity money. He started heading downstairs.

He was against this reunion like his sanity depended on it! Oh wait, it did! Sylvia and Thalia on the other hand... He wouldn't say the same for them. They were simply far too overjoyed about Aries taking the entrance exam for Psyvian Academy to consider the impending meet-up with The Witch. Aries sighed at the thought.

"Aries! How are you feeling now that you are almost officially an adult?" Sylvia asked happily, her blue eyes gleaming, and Damon instantly smiled moving down the stairs towards them. Thalia stood beside her in the same black and white uniform ( black pants, white shirt and black suit vests with golden lining, with a pocket watch attached) a slight smile on her lips, clearly amused by Sylvia.

"We are so proud of you,". Thalia said with her signature calm smile.

"Don't get too excited yet, I haven't taken the exam yet," Damon said reaching the bottom of the stairs. They started walking towards the garden.

"Yes, but you're not like the other spoilt brats. At a young age, you started training your physical body and you grew incredibly strong. I should know, I have been around strong people for long enough to tell when someone is strong mentally and emotionally. And that, is very important to physical strength. You learned to control mana and use your shadow magic through the books in the library and I've seen how good your shadow magic has gotten. You learned everything you should have learned from either school or a tutor on your own. What your family wasn't willing to provide for you you did so yourself. I don't know how you did it, but it's clear that greater forces highly favor you. Take the financial situation of the manor as an example. Lady Victoria..." " Cough...witch...cough," Sylvia interrupted earning a slight pinch in the left cheek by Thalia. She then continued, "Somehow, even after she cut the finances, there has been an anonymous donor who helps us out on the regular. So I believe you have the ability and the support to get into the Academy."

'Wait, so... I'm the greater forces?'

Aries nearly scoffed but held it in. He gave a smile to Thalia. He had to hand it to her. That was the longest paragraph she had ever used in a conversation. Thalia was... Mysterious. After all these years, he still knew nothing about her life before the manor, before his Mother. Sylvia on the other hand was just a loveable country girl who loved making perfumes and scented soaps and candles.

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