Chapter 4

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Dedicated to Sleepandtired


When the carriage finally stopped, Aries looked out and was astonished. This wasn't a manor, it was more of a palace.

Guess these guys are rich, Damon thought.

He stepped out of the carriage and walked towards the house being led by a guard.

He had to socialize with people. Maybe he should have thought this through. He was gifted with combat skills and then deprived of basic communication skills.

He was starting to wish he hadn't attended it. Wait, was this what regret felt like?

He walked into the hall filled with chatter and almost instantly they went silent.

"Announcing the arrival of the youngest son of Duke Reymond Valera, Damon Valera, "

He just had to say it.

Aries almost rolled his eyes at the way people were looking at him like they saw a ghost.

In the original book, Damon was exactly that, a ghost. He never once attended any social events or gatherings. There was a crazy rumor going around that he was mentally unstable.

Aries had a feeling it was the duchess' doing.

He could feel the witch's gaze nearly burn his skin. If looks could kill he'd be kissing this second chance goodbye.

"I heard he went crazy after his mother died,"

"Doesn't he throw tantrums like a spoilt brat?"

"Some say he was behind his mother's death.."

"Oh, it's that vile thing,"

Aries wanted to shut them up. They were so noisy. Didn't they have better things to think or talk about?

He made his way to where the duke and duchess were seated.

"Silence! You're all too noisy!" He took the words right out of Damon's mouth. Damon felt like snickering but he pushed the feeling down.

The Duke was the one who had spoken out instantly shutting everyone up. He was a blonde man with the same golden orbs as Damon.

I won't even try to assume that was fatherly love.

" The Duke and Duchess of Windlock, it's a pleasure to be invited," Damon said bowing before flashing them a slight smile.

Mission complete. The beast is successfully provoked. It would be a shame if I ended up losing my cool and Killing her instead of having more fun.

Damon found himself smiling at the thought. He probably looked crazy, but oh well.. to hell with it. He wanted to make sure before he killed the duchess he would have successfully reminded her Damon wasn't an animal to be abused and controlled.

Damon then went to join the rest of the crowd.

"I'd like to declare that the Valera ball has officially begun. Please enjoy yourselves and mingle as much as you like, " the duke said and the crowd cheered.

The ballroom was divided into two, one section for the adults and the other for the kids.

Aries had never hated the fact he was in a child's body like he did right then.

The hell! You're telling me I can't have alcohol!!!

He felt like throwing a tantrum to the person who decided to reincarnate him as a child. Like, a full adult wouldn't have worked out?!

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