Chapter 9

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Dedicated to xyxhai


"Hey Aries, what do you want to be when you grow up?" The blonde-haired lady lying next to him asked, her emerald-green eyes turning to her son who was mindlessly playing with a piece of thread.

"Well that's simple, I wanna be like my mum and dad, "he said as though he was stating the obvious.

His mother laughed, sitting up in the process," You wanna have a sweet little human who likes books?"

" Ew, I'm not going to get married," he said pursing his lips in a thin line. He was dead serious.

The lady fought against the urge to snicker. Her child was too cute when he was serious.

" I mean I want to help people," Aries suddenly stopped her train of thought.

" Huh?" She tilted her head, her confusion evident." What do you mean by that?"

" Like the way you and dad usually go out and give people food because the evil men are destroying their homes. I also want to do something to help people and fight the bad men," Aries said with an awfully determined smile and she watched her son with a sad smile. He was their child after all.

She raffled his hair and then gave him a slight smile.

" Oh really? "

" Yes! "

" You'll have to be extra strong, "

" I'll train hard then, "

" Will you be brave? "

" Yes! I'll be brave because people who aren't brave will need my help so I have to be brave, "

She smiled seeing the familiar thirst for justice in her son's gaze. She saw herself, her husband and their whole family. A war was close to starting up again, it was inevitable that her son would be involved in it. That drive in his eyes, can't be stopped.

" Okay, so be my brave soldier, "she said without a grin and watched her son's smile grow wider.


"Young master Damon, we are at Threah," the coachman called out once the carriage came to a halt.

His lucid dream came to a stop, waking him up almost immediately. Why was he having these dreams? It had never surfaced in his last life and additionally, it was years ago. But it was so detailed as though he was back in time. He remembered his parents' faces so we'll, how his room looked, his parents' voices. It was so detailed it frightened him. He still couldn't remember their names. He found it so frustrating.

The carriage door was opened by the coachman and Mal was the first to move towards it.

She'll definitely attract attention 

"Hey, Mal, mind putting on a different form. You're going to attract attention." He told her before she could leave.

A black-purple dust formed once more slightly hindering Damon's vision. Once it cleared completely, Mal was now a regular red-white fox and her size decreased by a fifth of the original.

'Better?' he heard her ask and he gave her a smile in response.

They had stopped outside an inn by the name Crescent Moon. It was the second day of the trip and they would leave for the Gereat mountains the next day. He only had tonight to finish the job. Doice Manor was not that far from the inn. The documents he was given by Trian included a blueprint of the house which Aries had already memorized. He had long accepted he was Damon but the person who would have blood on their hands would be Aries. Damon was the innocent child Thalia and Sylvia knew while Aries was a killer who killed to help make the world better.

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