Chapter 12

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Dedicated to LarisaPowell


Damon couldn't figure out what it was that his father, who ignored his existence for the last couple of years, would want from him now. But that didn't mean he didn't have an idea. has to be.

'Is everyone in this age delusional or what? Are they going to act as though I am an asset of the Valera house for them to give away?' Damon heard Mal scoff and he nearly smiled but he suppressed it to a slight twitch at the side of his lips.

He stayed quiet and didn't make any remark. He knew why they wanted the fox spirit, to cure Lucan. But he knew it wouldn't help. That was not his problem, but then why, why did he feel this weighing feeling painfully tugging his heart down? Was there another way to prevent Lucan from going full savage? He was curious. Too curious. Why was he now sticking his nose where it didn't belong?

He quickly left his thoughts and turned to his 'father'. He gave him a fake but well-put-together smile, his eyes still as blank as ever. He didn't think there was anyone other than Sylvia and Thalia who would receive warmth from him. Even his own kin weren't worthy.

He, although considered very rude, offered a slight bow to the Duke of Windlock. "Duke Reymond, it'll be an honor to speak to you,"

You wish...

Reymond didn't respond and simply gestured for him to follow him. He could feel the disapproving looks and a disgusting feeling filled his chest. He wouldn't be surprised if these people wanted him dead.

'Life isn't on our side but death can be a valuable ally,'...Ally huh? If it wasn't for death, he wouldn't have gotten a chance to live in a world he saw as so peaceful. At that moment he saw the meadow of white roses in his mind and for the first time they had stayed white. 

Pang...Badump...Badump...Badump... Those vermillion eyes and dull gaze... Zion...

That overwhelming pain in his chest again. It was so agonizing. He saw the flowers stain in blood and fire surrounding him.

No! Not here!

He would accept the punishment given to him, but he wouldn't show weakness to anyone. He quickly used his mana to block his limbic system and slowly felt himself turn numb. That was a close call. 

He let out a deep breath trying to focus on what was going on around him. He was walking slightly behind his father with Mal and two guards behind them. He didn't know where they were going but the silence spoke volumes.

I should have gone to the mountain and overstayed just to be away from all these... Things.

He let out another breath, trying to regain a nonchalant aura. He relaxed himself completely but not to the point of appearing weak. His posture itself exhibited a kind of powerful but extremely calm demeanor, in contrast to his father's ice cold and brutal nature. The air quickly tensed up, turning ice cold. Both of them emitting threatening auras, none showing signs of faltering or backing down in the now seemingly...Aura fight for dominance?

One was way too hostile while the other was threateningly calm. The guards both gulped. The environment was getting way too hostile, this father-son feud would end them. One was a literal war lord, and the other was a deranged lunatic they wouldn't survive if either lost it. 

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