Chapter 3

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Dedicated to TwTowoIuI


"She,.. she wants to see, the young master,.. and she looks... Angry,"

Damon had a bad feeling about this, especially when the two helpers were this scared.

In the book Victoria Valera was a lovely person, often equated to sunlight.

For someone like Damon who utterly despised sunlight and didn't believe anyone could be that pure, always suspected her. Maybe his suspicions would be confirmed.

He smirked slightly. The air around the room suddenly grew cold, which sent shivers down the two ladies' spines.

"Guess lunch will have to wait, let's go," Aries said flashing a slight smile.. more like a smirk, he wanted to see if the cute kitty was a vicious tiger.

Sylvia suddenly went down on her knees and bowed in front of Damon," Please young master, I'm begging you, don't offend the Lady! "

She's scared, really scared. What happened to the sweet persona in the book? There is something off, and for some reason, I like the thought of danger.

Aries smirked once more then helped her get up.

"Young master?" But Aries simply smiled at her and followed Thalia to the Duchess.

He used to be an assassin, apart from the injustice in the continent, he quite liked the job, and all the rush that came with it.

Maybe he should consider joining an assassin guild in this world. With his years of experience, he could quickly sharpen this body into a mercenary's. Plus he'd be making money, so nothing to lose.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the realization he had reached the garden where a lady was waiting in the gazebo drinking tea. She had delicate features, a light skin tone, and hazel hair adorned with many gems that matched her emerald green eyes that seemed to shimmer. Aries already knew who it was.

She's made herself right at home! Despite being a guest at my house, she comfortably carries out tasks and acts as though it's her own space. I couldn't ask for a more respectful and considerate visitor! Damon thought nearly rolling his eyes in the process.

He didn't bother sitting. He bowed then greeted her as he saw fit. She didn't respond. Thalia was shot a deadly glare from her and she quickly took a bow and left. This didn't remain unnoticed by Damon.

So this lady is a snake. Why am I not surprised?

"Damon, the annual Valera ball is coming up,  are you aware of that?" She asked taking a sip of the tea she had.

Did she come here to invite me to a party for snobby rich and powerful people? And drink my tea in my gazebo. Oh well...

"I'm sorry to inform you this, but I lost my memory, so I have no knowledge of this ball. The little knowledge I have right now is that I was told by Sylvia," Damon said still bowing since she hadn't told him otherwise, plus he didn't want to be on her bad side.

Rage suddenly swirled in Victoria's eyes and she abruptly stood up and threw her cup of tea towards the poor unsuspecting boy.

Aries didn't even flinch as he felt the tea cup's content burn his skin. The cup also broke in the collision and some of the pieces cut through the skin on his exposed neck, it hurt like hell but he'd experienced worse.

His aloof reaction only made the duchess more angry.

Why is she breaking my tea cups and wasting tea as if everyone can afford it? This is unacceptable behavior from a worthless person!

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