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☆ 42. Chapter 42

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42 Fujiaer seems to be very fond of trees, probably because of his professional relationship, he has a natural affinity with trees, Shan Yu follows behind him, and is also looking for edible plants.

Then I looked at it, and suddenly I found something familiar, that wouldn't be... Hive, right?

Under a luxuriant tree hung a round thing, surrounded by a bunch of small holes, which were larger than expected, and out of it flew out several bees, the size of fists, although they were huge, but they were indeed bees!

"Gil! You see what that is?

"Oh, isn't this a giant bee beast? Quick, let's stay away, the giant bee beast is not delicious at all, and it stings, a swarm of giant bee beast can make an adult male suffer, it is better not to mess with it. Then he excitedly said, "Have we found a beast?" Hurry up and inform the seniors of Wenren.

When they went back, they found that only Wen Ren Qian was standing alone, and Fu Jiaer said excitedly: "Senior Wen Ren, we have found the giant bee beast, but there is nothing I and Shan Yu can do."

Wen Renqian groaned after hearing this: "I can only assist you from the side, it is better to wait for the others to come back and then go, what are you gaining so far?"

After hearing this, Fujiaer was depressed and said, "Ah, we were so happy just now, and we haven't found anything." Shan

Yu said: "I found it, but I have been guarded by the giant bee beast, and there is food in the nest of the giant bee beast."

Wen Renqian looked at him in surprise: "Are you sure?" Giant bee beasts have always been in groups, and they are also very strong in destruction, and their nests are full of a very viscous liquid, this liquid can stick people and it is difficult to get out, what food can there be? "

Are bees so good now? A very viscous liquid? Isn't that honey?!

"That liquid is food. Wen

Ren Qian: "? Fujiaer

: "?? Shan

Yu was also a little confused, didn't they know about honey all along?

Wen Renqian said: "Since this is the case, then let's go over and have a look." As long as Shan Yu says something, he will choose to believe it.

So the three of them set out, and once again came to the giant hive, which was much larger than the hive of the earth, and around the hive flew a few giant bee beasts, which were working diligently. Shan Yu found that although these bees have become larger, their Xi still seem to be similar to that of the earth.

But now there are no tools at hand, and it seems unlikely

that the earth will collect honey in the same way, and Fujiaer clapped his hands and said, "By the way, find something that will attract them, and then we can get the liquid inside."

"So what's going to be done?" "Shan Yu has already begun to observe whether there are flowers around, bees like to collect nectar, it should be okay to attract them with flowers, right?

"It's very simple, as long as it has wood properties, it's fine. "Giant beemons are vegetarian creatures, and it is difficult to resist plants with wood attributes, also because they are wood attribute beasts themselves. "

Shan Yu is really an eye-opener, have all the little bugs mutated like this now? Thinking of wood-attribute plants, he thought of the wood-attribute dog's tail grass that dropped when the farm was upgraded to level 2 before.

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