Chapter 16

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Nadia's pov

Few days passed, Eileen went back to Ireland to see her family. I just got off the phone with my mom, checking on Deanna.

I walked to the main area. "Hey, guys," I said. "Hey," Sam said.

"Hey, babe," Dean said, cleaning the Colt. I kissed Dean. "How's Deanna?" he asked.

"She's good, crawling all over my mom's house. My mom has baby-proofed her house," I said.
"That's good and she's crawling?" Dean asked.

"Yes, my mom sent this video," I said, showing the video of Deanna crawling around. Dean looks at the video, smiling.

"Aww, our sweet girl's crawling," Dean said. "Can I see?" Sam asked.

I walk over to Sam, showing him the video of Deanna crawling. "Oh my, she's crawling," Sam said, smiling.

I walked back to Dean, watching him clean the Colt. "Anything on Cas?" I asked.

"Nope. Have you?" he asked. I shook my head. "As usual," I said.

Sam's laptop dings. "I just got an email from Mick. Its a case," Sam said.

"Good," Dean said. "Hmm, interesting," I said.

"Looks like a guy named Jarrod Hayes disappeared in Tomahawk, Wisconsin a week ago...," Sam continues.

I quickly looked up when I heard Tomahawk, Wisconsin, remembering a dream vision I had. "Mick says this place has a history," Sam said.

"Meaning?" Dean said. "It means a lot of people go missing in Tomahawk, one year, every year from 1898 to 1997, and nothing until now," Sam said.

I closed my eyes, walking away as I relive a vision dream I had of a hot blonde café waitress, googly-eying Dean when I'm not there and Dean flirts with her.

I blinked, heading to my room. "Not gonna happen, missy," I mouthed. I grabbed a bag, packing up my sexy dress to get her attention.

A dress that'll show my cleavage. I hear footsteps. I quickly put the dress in my duffle bag.

"Hey, babe," Dean said, rubbing my shoulders. "Hey, did you wash your hands?" I asked.

"Yes. Sam and I are going on the case in Tomahawk and can..," Dean continued. "Yes, I can come along," I said.

"No, Sam and I want you to stay here just in case Mick comes back," he said.
"It's weird that every time we try to call him he doesn't answer. Then out of the blue, he sends Sam an email. Sounds pretty fishy," I said.

"Yeah, that's weird. It's always good to have you come with me," he said, holding me. "You chico malo," I said, kissing him.

We laid down on the bed, started making out. He rolled us over, I was on top as we kissed each other.

Tomahawk, WI

Tomahawk, WI

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