Part 6

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Lisa knocked on the partly opened door of one of her associates. "Are you busy?"

"Not at all. Come on in, Lisa," Henry McDonald invited, piling his paperwork on the right side of his desk. "Anything I can do for you?"

"Yeah. Do you have that contract I asked you to draw up the other day?"

He nodded, pulling a folder out of the top drawer of his desk, handing it to his boss. "Right here. Pre-nuptial agreement: the couple has to be married for three years for her to get four million in the event of a divorce. She gets nothing if the marriage is dissolved before the three years is up. That's it, right?"

"Perfect." Lisa read the document over before saying another word. "Any possible loopholes?"

"None whatsoever," Henry answered. "It's one hundred percent ironclad. Is it for a big client or something?"

"Or something. It's for me."

The handsome younger lawyer raised his eyebrows at Lisa's admission. "For you? Since when are you getting married?"

"As of last night, when I proposed to her."

"You popped the question? Diamond ring and everything? You've got to be kidding me. The eternal single finally met her match?" he simply couldn't believe it. Lisa always told them she would never get married after living through her parents' divorce.

"In a manner of speaking. Yes, I popped the proverbial question and gave her a diamond ring. And surprisingly enough, the girl said yes," Lisa informed him.

Henry shook his head in shock. Never in a million years did he think Lisa would ever get married. "Does she know about the prenup?"

"Yes, she does."

"Wow." he saw Irene walk past his office. "Hey, Irene! Come in here! Lisa's got big news!" he called.

Lisa sighed, knowing how uncomfortable she was going to feel when she was told. The two had had a brief fling several months back. "Henry, please"

Irene stepped into the office; annoyance written all over her face. "You bellowed, Henry? This had better be important, I have research to do for a case I'm working on."

"Oh, it's important. Our very own Lisa here is getting married."

Irene didn't say anything right away. Like Henry, the news came as a complete shock. "Well," she said after a lengthy pause. "That was rather unexpected. I wasn't aware you were even seeing anyone." 'Not since our night on the desk in her office.'

"It happened really fast. Love at first sight, that old cliché."

"Must not be such a cliché if it happened to you," Irene retorted, sweetness dripping from her voice. "When did you have time to go out and meet anyone? You've been married to that Kim case all week."

Henry gazed at the groom-to-be. "Who is the lucky girl?"

"Jennie Kim."

The female lawyer almost burst out laughing. "The sister? The cheerleader? You must be joking."

Lisa shook her head. "I'm serious, Irene. Jennie and I are getting married on Saturday morning."

"No wonder you put the rush on the pre-nuptial agreement," Henry commented. "You have only known her a week."

"Not even," Irene corrected. "And it doesn't sound like you trust your little cheerleader too much if you've had a prenup drawn up."

Lisa was trying her best to hold in her anger, but Lisa knew it was useless. "I trust her. And I didn't ask for your permission to get married, Irene, but I appreciate your concern. It's touching." Lisa headed for the door but turned around before exiting. "Oh, by the way, the 'cheerleader' has a name. Call her by it from now on."

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