Part 34

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"Where are you going?" Jennie wanted to know when she saw Lisa putting on her coat. "I thought we were going out for our anniversary dinner."

"We are. But I have to go to the office for a few hours and go over a few things. I'll be home in plenty of time for dinner. Trust me, I have no intention of missing it."

"Okay. You had better be home in time. I bought a new dress and I'm dying to wear it out. Not to mention, we have some serious talking to do. Today's the deadline," she reminded her.

Lisa nodded her head in agreement. "I know very well what today is, our three-year wedding anniversary. And I totally agree, you and I need to talk about it tonight."

Tonight was the night for Lisa; after spending close to eight months keeping her love for Jennie a secret, she would tell her over dinner. She became a changed woman the night she'd almost slept with Wendy. Instead of trying to fight her feelings for her wife, Lisa accepted them. She did her best to show her in subtle ways, such as romantic dinners, long walks, and the occasional kiss. But if Jennie suspected her motives, she kept it to herself.

"Big decisions to make tonight," Jennie commented.

"Exactly." 'More than you know, Jennie. More than you could possibly know.' "I promise I won't be long. Have fun without me all by your lonesome in this big house."

Jennie laughed. "Gee, I think I can manage without you somehow. Ella's been away at school for three months now. I'm getting used to the quiet."

Once Lisa left for the office, Jennie went up to her room to watch television. She was excited about dinner; she couldn't wait to have her talk with Lisa. Whatever the evening held for them, Jennie counted on it being a night neither of them would ever forget.

At three in the afternoon, Jennie heard the front door close. 'Wow, Lisa's home early. I thought she'd be out until at least five,' she thought. "Lisa?" she called. "You're back early."

A figure stood in the doorway. "Sorry. It's not Lisa."


Sitting at her desk, Lisa was unable to concentrate on her work. All she could think about was Jennie and the romantic dinner she had planned for them. Seven o'clock seemed like years away rather than four hours from that moment. The reservations she made at La Rouge had been secured back in July. The events of their dinner would change her life forever, either for the better or for the worse.

Opening her top desk drawer, Lisa pulled out a black velvet box and slowly removed the top. Inside sat a one-and-a-half carat diamond ring in an oval shape set in gold. she sighed at it, imagining her wife's face when she gave it to her.

// "Jennie, I have to tell you something."

She gazed curiously at her. She assumed she wanted to talk about the dissolution of their three-year marriage. "Okay. I'm listening."

Lisa took a deep breath. "These past three years, they have been the happiest of my life. After Bella cheated on me and broke my heart, I thought I'd never find a woman I could love the way I loved her. But I was wrong, dead wrong. Because you walked through my office door and I was gone. Jennie, I loved you the moment I saw you. I'm *in* love with you. And I can't imagine living the rest of my life without you in it."

Lisa pulled the box containing the diamond engagement ring out of her coat pocket. "I'm sick of living this sham of a marriage. I want you to be my wife, Jennie. Will you marry me for real this time?"

Seeing the ring glinting in the candlelight, Jennie couldn't seem to catch her breath. "Y-You want to marry me?"

she nodded. "Yes. A real wedding in a church in front of our friends and family. No one will have to be any the wiser. We can tell them we want to renew our vows in a church wedding. Well?"

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