Part 13

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Half an hour later, Lisa returned home from bringing Jisoo to her house. Inside her bedroom, she threw her shirt on the bed and thought about how relaxing a long hot shower sounded. It had been a long, eventful day, and all she wanted to do was feel the spray of hot water on her aching muscles. Kicking off her shoes, she opened the bathroom door.

What she found on the other side was the last thing she expected. With her back to her stood Jennie, drying her wet, naked body off with a fluffy white towel. For an unknown reason, Lisa couldn't peel her eyes away. Jennie turned around, drying her face and unaware of her presence, giving her a full-frontal view of her body.

Her breath caught in her throat, and Lisa knew that she should look away, but she could not bring herself to do it. She caught sight of a tiny tattoo on the front of her right hip ... an angel. Lisa did her best to keep her eyes on the tattoo rather than her more private areas.

"Oh my god!" Jennie exclaimed, quickly covering herself from her gaze with her towel. "Lisa, what are you doing in here?"

"I-I didn't realize you were in here, I just got back," Lisa told her, turning her eyes to the ceiling. "I'm sorry."

Jennie was shaking, but not from being cold. "Could you leave me alone? This is kind of a private thing."

"Yeah, yeah. Of course." Walking out of the bathroom, Lisa shook her head in disbelief. And she knew that when she went to sleep later, her dreams would be of Jennie's curvaceous body and the tiny angel tattoo.


The wind whistled outside, knocking tree branches against Lisa's bedroom window. She found the sound soothing; she always loved a good storm, even as a child. Growing up, Lisa would sit in front of the window watching the lightening as it lit up the otherwise black sky.

A knock at the bathroom door disrupted her musings. "Come on in," she invited, tearing her eyes away from the brewing storm outside.

The door opened, and Jennie entered, wearing a worn yellow robe. "Hope I'm not interrupting you."

"Nope. Just looking outside," Lisa told her, shaking her head. "What's going on?"

Jennie glanced down. "Nothing. Forget I came in here." She turned to leave.

Lisa reached out to touch her. "What is it, Jennie? Is it because of what happened earlier? Look, I'm really sorry about walking in on you like that. I guess I'm not used to sharing a bathroom with someone. I didn't set out to embarrass you."

"I'm not embarrassed, Lisa. It's just that...well, you've seen all there is to see of me. Now I want to see you."

Lisa stood in shock; she couldn't move. "You want to *what*?" she wasn't sure if she'd heard her correctly.

Jennie took a few steps closer to her. "It's only fair," she said, her voice becoming seductively low. "Come on, it isn't like we're breaking any laws. We *are* married, after all."

"You want me to get undressed?"

"What? You don't want to? Are you ashamed?" she teased.

Once again, she shook her head. "Not at all."

Jennie smiled knowingly. "Oh, I get it. You don't want to be alone. That's okay, I don't have anything to hide anymore." She brought her hands to the belt of her robe and untied it. Then she let the garment fall the ground. "Better?"

"I..." Lisa did her best to keep from staring at her, but she couldn't. And she didn't know what it was about Jennie Kim that made her act like a teenager with raging hormones. She affected her the way no other woman before had ever done.

The Marriage Deal [Jenlisa FF]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin