Part 18

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Before anyone realized it, Christmas Day was upon them. Come Christmas morning, Jennie woke up to the sun shining and the birds chirping. Her alarm clock read nine-thirty, and she stretched her tired limbs. She had only gone to bed at two forty-five, having stayed up late to wrap Lisa and Ella's presents. With a groan, she climbed out of bed and threw a robe on over her pajamas.

As she descended the stairs, she was accosted by the smell of bacon and eggs. Jennie inhaled the scent, following its path to the kitchen. Inside she found Lisa standing in front of the stove with a spatula in her hand. "Good morning," she greeted, yawning.

"Merry Christmas," replied Lisa, giving her wife a cheerful smile. "I was wondering when you'd wake up."

"What are you doing up so early? Don't you ever sleep?"

Lisa smirked. "Lawyers never sleep. Truth be told, I finally conked out around three in the morning. I've lived on a lot less than six hours of sleep, especially when I was in college."

"You big party animal," Jennie teased. "So, what's cooking for breakfast? Aside from that delicious-smelling bacon."

Lisa flipped the eggs. "Ella told me about the Kim Christmas morning tradition of omelets, bacon, pancakes and toast. I thought I'd try to keep things traditional for the two of you. You know, given the circumstances."

Jennie shook her head in wonder. "Has anyone told you how amazing you are? I can't think of any fake wife who'd do that."

Feeling slightly hurt by her words, Lisa couldn't look her in the eye. "Yeah, I'm real amazing."

"Is something wrong?" Jennie noticed the change in her tone. She was afraid she'd said something wrong.

"No, everything's fine. Just sit down at the table, breakfast will be ready in a few minutes," Lisa told her.

Jennie looked toward the doorway. "Do you want me to wake Ella? She can be a real bear when it comes time to get up."

"I already woke her. She's getting ready now."


"You have to open mine first," Ella told her sister, handing a gift-wrapped box. "I hope you like it, Unnie helped me pick it out."

Jennie took the box, shaking it. It was light in weight. The contents hit the sides of the box. "It isn't a sweater, is it? Remember the one you bought me last year? It wouldn't have fit a Barbie doll."

Ella laughed. "It's not a sweater, Jennie, I promise. And I know for a fact you don't have one of these. I sifted through your closet before Jisoo took me shopping last week."

"Why am I suddenly frightened?"

"Just open it," the fifteen year old sighed. "Lisa, tell Jennie she's being a big baby."

"You're being a big baby, Jen," Lisa repeated.

Jennie swatted her wife on the upper arm. "Shut up. Don't encourage her." With extreme curiosity, Jennie unwrapped her gift. When she opened the box, seeing its contents, her eyes were wide with shock. "I don't believe you actually bought this."

Ella grinned. "Believe it."

"What is it?" Lisa asked.

Laughing, Jennie lifted her gift from the box. Ella had given her a black negligee that, if she had it on, would conceal nothing. Lisa nodded with appreciation. "I like it."

"You would!" Jennie accused.

"What's the big deal?" Ella wanted to know. "It isn't like you'll be wearing it for very long. You put it on, Lisa looks at it on you and five minutes later it's on the floor."

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