Part 32

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Jennie walked down the hall to her sister's bedroom, carrying a basket full of laundry for Ella to put away. As she was about to knock on the door, the sound of her sister's voice from inside the room stopped her.

"Last night was totally amazing, Katie," Ella said into the telephone. "Mark picked me up at seven and we told Jennie we were going to a movie Yeah, she believed me. It surprised me because I'm sure she told Mom and Dad the same thing when she was my age...Hey, whatever works. Anyway, we ended up at his house and he had a romantic dinner waiting for us. We ate, we danced and then we went up to his bedroom and did it...No his parents weren't home! Do you think we're stupid enough to have sex if his parents were in the house? No way!"

Hearing every word, Jennie almost dropped the laundry basket on the floor. As if in a trance, she went to her room. Her knees buckled under her, and she fell to the floor next to the bed, her face burning from the hot tears welling in her eyes. 'It's not fair,' she thought, dropping her forehead to her knees. 'My little sister is having sex and I'm not. What's wrong with me?'

From across the hall in her bedroom, Lisa heard low cries coming from her wife's room. Wondering what was the matter, she quickly made her way over, finding her on the ground with sobs wracking her body. "Jennie? What's wrong? Did something happen?"

She lifted her head, barely making out her face through her tears. "Lisa," she said before another plethora of tears took over.

"Tell me what happened. Are you okay?" Lisa feared she might be sick or hurt but didn't want to tell her. "I'm worried about you. Why are you crying?"

"What's wrong with me?" she asked her.

Lisa didn't understand her question. "What's wrong with you? What do you mean?"

"Am I so hideous that looking at me disgusts people? Why don't men want to be with me? Am I unlovable?" Jennie wanted to know.

Lisa sat down on the floor next to her. "You're not hideous, Jennie. You are beautiful. And believe me, you are very lovable. A man would have to be blind and stupid not to want you. Not tell me what brought all this on."

Jennie sucked in a deep breath. "I-I overheard Ella telling Katie on the phone that she and Mark..that they had sex. And I want to know why nobody wants to with me." 'I can't let Lisa know I've never had sex. I'll be completely humiliated.'

'She feels jealous,' she said to herself, remembering the slumber party she'd had a few years back, where she found out Jennie had been a virgin when they married. From her reaction, she gathered she still was. 'It might hurt her even more if she finds out I know.' "Because every man who lays eyes on you knows you're my wife. They're too afraid I'll beat the crap out of them if they touch you."

"What about before you? They didn't want me then, either."

"Then that's their loss, not yours. Wanna know something? Over the last few years, I have really begun thinking of you as my wife, even if we've never actually consummated our marriage. And the thought of some guy touching you drives me crazy sometimes. But when I really think about it, I can't blame her for wanting to be with you. You're everything any sane man would want."

Jennie smiled sadly, sniffling. "You're only saying that to make me feel better."

Lisa shook her head. "No, I'm not. You're a wonderful person, Jennie. And someday, you're going to make someone very happy. Then I'll be able to say she's as lucky as I've been for the past two years."

"Do you think there's somebody out there for everyone?" she questioned, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Yeah, now I do. If you'd asked me that same question a few years ago, I would have given you a different answer. Maybe I'm less jaded these days. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, Jennie. Does that make you feel a little better?"

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