Part 11

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The couple glanced at each other before entering the club. Jisoo had already gone inside, leaving Jennie and Lisa standing in the alley. "Ready to meet my friends?"

"Yep," Lisa answered.

"Great. Prepare to act couple-y." Reaching out, Jennie took her hand in hers and Lisa opened the door for her. 'Wow, Lisa really *is* a gentlewoman,' she thought. 'Nobody's ever held a door open for me except my father.'

Lisa's eardrums were assaulted the moment she set foot in the club. It had been a long time since she'd been to one. Generally, she tended to frequent restaurant bars to meet women. she wasn't prepared for the younger, more laid back atmosphere of the clubs.

Her wife noticed her reaction. "Culture shock?" she asked.

"Slightly. I didn't exactly hang out in clubs back in England."

"What did you do for fun?"

Lisa shook her head and smirked. "Jennie, you don't want to know. Maybe when you're older I'll tell you."

She sneered. "Real funny. Look, there's the gang."

Lisa followed her lead to a group of people in their early twenties. The only person she recognized was Jisoo, who sat flanked by two young women a redhead and brunette and a man. Lisa assumed he was the Jackson person Jennie mentioned earlier. Suddenly, she felt out of place as they approached the table.

"Hey, guys," greeted Jennie. "Sorry we're late."

"No problem," Jackson answered. "Who's your date?"

Plastering a fake, happy smile on her face, Jennie touched Lisa's arm. "She's not just my date, Jack. I want you to meet Lisa Manoban. My wife."

"Wife?" Jackson asked, confusion written all over his face. "Since when are you married, Jen?"

"Since this past weekend. Lisa, this is Jackson Wong, Winter Chase and Im Nayeon" she introduced, pointing to each one of her friends individually. "You already know Jisoo."

Winter openly checked out her friend's wife. "Hello, salty goodness." Underneath the table, Nayeon kicked her. "Sorry."

Nayeon stretched out her arm toward her. "Nice to meet you, Lisa. Jennie's told us quite a bit about you Sunday."

Lisa flashed her her famous half-smile. "All good, I hope."

"Well, we haven't gotten all of the gory details out of her yet," Winter told her. "But we tell each other everything, so it's only a matter of time."

"Good to know."

"Um, question for all," Jackson began. "Why wasn't I informed of the Jenjen's new marital status?"

Jisoo condescendingly patted him on the head. "Aww..poor Jackson feeling a little left out? Don't worry, I wasn't even there for it and I'm her sister. They wanted a quick wedding."

Jennie shot daggers at her sister. 'If she tells them the truth, that's it for me. I'll never live it down.' She decided it was time to get out of the conversation. "Lisa, what do you say you and I share our first official dance as a married couple?"

Lisa sensed what she was up to. "Sounds like a great idea."

Taking her hand in her, Lisa excused them, and they made their way to the dance floor. A slow song had just begun playing while the band took a break between sets. "We need to make this look as real as possible," Jennie told her.

With one hand on the small of her back and the other one clutching her left hand, Lisa agreed. "I think we can manage that."

"I promise not to step on your feet," Lisa whispered in her ear. "At least not purposely."

Jennie laughed; a soft, quiet laugh that warmed her heart. "Not much of a dancer, are you?"

"I've go two left feet. I pretty much try to avoid dancing if at all possible. I'm what you'd call a spaz on the dance floor. Don't say I didn't warn you."

"I'll take it under advisement, counselor."

"Aren't they so darn cute together?" Nayeon asked the group as they watched Jennie and Lisa sway in sync to the music. "Look how in love they look."

Jackson rolled his eyes. "Yeah. So cute they make me want to throw up. Gimme a barf bag and make it quick."

"You don't have a romantic bone in your body, do you, Jackson?"

"No, he doesn't," Winter answered for him, sarcasm dripping from her voice. "At least not in the year we were dating."

"Hey, I take offense to that!" an offended Jackson complained. "I am very romantic, thank you very much. Just ask Mina."

Winter made a face. "I'll pass, thank you. I don't need all the intimate details of your active sex life."

"At least I have one," he shot back.

Perfectly happy to be a spectator in Winter and Jackson's war of words, Jisoo turned her attention to her sister and her wife. They looked like a married couple who could only see each other; as if they were the only two people in the room. She seriously wondered how much of it was acting and how much was their true feelings surfacing. 'Marriage deal my ass!' she thought. 'One of them is going to crack, I just wonder who'll be the first.'

From a darkened corner, Ji-yong watched his best friend dance with the tiny girl. Since he didn't know where Jennie's friends were sitting, he contented himself with the show on the dance floor. The show Lisa was putting on; only Ji-yong couldn't tell if she was faking the look in her brown eyes.

"What you did today, Lisa..I can never thank you enough for it. Having Jisoo home where she belongs means more to me than anything in this world," Jennie said. "I wish I could show you my appreciation."

"Don't worry about it. You being here is thanks enough."

Jennie looked into her dark eyes. "But there must be something you want."

'Don't, Manoban,' Lisa told herself. 'Don't even go there.' "Jennie, I have everything I've ever wanted."


"Jennie, this is Kwon Ji-yong, my best friend since elementary school," Lisa introduced when she found GD standing off by himself a short while later.

"You can call me GD, everyone else does," GD informed her, kissing the back of her hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Jennie."

She nodded and smiled. Something about the way she looked at her left Jennie feeling unnerved. "Nice to meet you, too, GD. How long will you be in Daegu?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not quite sure yet, I haven't given it much thought." 

"I see. Well, I'll leave you two alone. I'm gonna see if I can drag Jisoo out on the dance floor." Jennie patted Lisa on the arm and walked back to her friends.

With a raised eyebrow, GD watched her walk away. "She's a stiffener, that one."

"Ji-yong, you're sick."

"What? She's over eighteen, isn't she? I think I'm allowed to be...shall we say, aroused by her."

Lisa groaned. One thing GD had always lacked was tact. "Jennie may be twenty years old, but she's also my wife. Show a little more judgement."

"What? It ain't like you've got all these fuzzy bunny feelings for her. You're just using her." he paused. "Aren't you?"

"We have a business arrangement."

The two of them gazed at the dance floor, where Jennie and Jisoo were dancing. GD smiled with appreciation at the two sisters. "You are married to a girl with a body like that and you aren't even gonna take her out for a test-drive? I find that impossible to believe. Especially given your colorful history with women."

"Believe it."

He nodded, unconvinced by Lisa's words. "Uh-huh."

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