Part 31

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Inside his hotel room, GD paced back and forth anxiously. Things hadn't been going his way recently, including a huge fight with Jisoo. Not that he really minded fighting with her; their relationship wasn't all that important to him anyway. He wanted sex and she was more than willing to give it to her, but he was not about to commit himself to Jisoo when the person he really wanted was her sister. Once he got Jennie, Jisoo would be history.

He rushed to the door when he heard the knock he'd been waiting for. "It's about time you got here!" GD complained when he opened the door for his visitor. "You were supposed to be in Daegu two weeks ago. What the hell took you so long?"

"I needed to tie up some loose ends in London before I left. I can't exactly jump on a plane at the drop of a hat the way you can," she stated.

"Sorry, Wen," he apologized. "I've been waiting for you to get here. I had to wait for you before I could put my plan in motion."

Wendy sat down on the reclining chair on the other side of GD's room. "Tell me, GD, what is your plan? And why am I so important to it?"

"*Our* plan," he clarified with a smirk playing upon his lips, "is to obtain what we both have wanted for a long time. You get Lisa, the girl you've been crazy about since you were seven years old. And I want her wife. Well, to say I want to bed her wife is more appropriate."

"What makes you so certain it will work? Lisa made her feelings for me quite clear, and I did not spend a year in the hospital getting healthy again to have her trample all over my heart once again," she told her.

"The last place I want to see you go is back in the sanitarium. This plan isn't about love. It's about sex, control and domination. Don't you want to get back at Lisa for the way she so carelessly treated you? It'll be the ultimate revenge. And when you have hurt her as much as she hurt you, She'll go running to her precious Jennie, only to find her in my arms. Or more to the point, in my bed." he'd plotted it all perfectly.

But Wendy wasn't completely convinced it would work. Granted, she wanted to give Lisa Manoban a taste of her own medicine, but she found flaws in GD's plan. "I don't know, GD. What makes you think Lisa will want anything to do with me? she didn't care about me before, why should she care about me six years after the fact?"

"I know she felt bad about what happened to you; she hated seeing you in that dreary institution. Not to mention, Wen, but you're a very beautiful woman, and Lisa has got to be horny as hell. As a matter of fact, I *know* she is. The girl hasn't had sex in nearly three years, she told me so. She won't be able to resist you."

"Okay, you lost me. Lisa is married, but she hasn't had sex in three years. That makes no sense whatsoever."

"It's a marriage of convenience," GD told her. "Lisa's uncle died leaving her everything, under the stipulation that the eternal philanderer get married for no less than three years. So, Jennie needed a lawyer for Jisoo and Lisa agreed to take her case if Jennie agreed to marry her for the three years. It was supposed to be in name-only, but it seems Lisa isn't pretending to love her anymore. She really does love her, even if she won't admit it to herself."

Wendy nodded her head in understanding. "I see. Lisa loves her but she doesn't love her back."

"No. According to her sister, Jennie's secretly in love with her as well."

"I'm confused now. They love one another but the other doesn't know it. Why won't they just admit it and carry on with their happy marriage?" she wanted to know.

"Because they are as stubborn as two mules. Frankly, I don't know nor do I care. All I care about is getting Jennie for myself."

"But why? That is what I find so perplexing about this whole plan of yours. Lisa is your best friend, why do you want to steal from her the woman she loves?"

GD stared at her with his mouth agape. "You attended school with us and you still have to ask why? From the time we were sixteen, every girl I wanted, Lisa took for herself. They all looked at her as if she were some sort of god, while I was nothing in comparison. She'd charm them, bed them and discard them like yesterday's trash. Every single girl I fell for, she always managed to get there first. I'm sick of getting stuck with her sloppy seconds. So now I'm going to take what she wants. I'll bed her wife before she does."

"This is a vengeance gig for you," Wendy deduced.

"You got it, Wen. Now tell me, are you in or are you out?"

She didn't need to think about it. "I'm in. It's about time Lisa pays for what she did to me." 

The Marriage Deal [Jenlisa FF]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن