Part 38

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It was dinnertime before Lisa returned home from the office. She hadn't meant to spend so much time there, but it couldn't be helped. The entire time she sat in the conference room with her client and opposing council, all Lisa could think about was being home with her wife. The hours dragged by unbearably and she sighed with relief when she walked through the back door of her home.

Upon entering, her nose was assaulted by the scent of roasting chicken. It smelled delicious and Lisa took a big sniff. "Mmm" she moaned.

In the kitchen, Jennie heard her enter. 'Oh god oh god oh god,' she thought as she poured the rice into the saucepan of boiling water. 'I don't want to do this, but I have to.' She'd spent a good portion of the day thinking up what she'd say to her.

"It smells great in here. I can't wait to eat," Lisa said when she stepped into the kitchen. she found her wife standing in front of the counter with her back to her. "Hey. I missed you all day today," she told her, putting her hands on her shoulders.

Jennie closed her eyes and bit her lip when she felt her lips kissing the top of her head. 'Please, Lisa, don't do this to me. Don't tease me by giving me hope.' "Hi. I thought you were going to be home early today. It's nearly five."

"I tried; believe me I did. But my client refused to meet any of the other lawyer's demands. Negotiations ran longer than anticipated. I'm really sorry. I wanted to be home with you, really I did." Lisa looked around the room. "Isn't Jisoo here? I called her this morning and asked her to spend the day with you so you wouldn't be alone."

"She came by, but I sent her home at three. After the locksmith left, I told her she could leave. I felt safe enough, knowing GD couldn't get in here."

"That's good at least. How are you feeling?"

Jennie shrugged her shoulders, stirring the rice. "I've been better."

"I know. I'm sure it will take some time for you to feel a hundred percent again. And you know I'll be here for you every step of the way to help you through it."

"Thanks. Look, dinner won't be ready for another five or ten minutes, so you've got time to get out of that stuffy suit you're wearing," Jennie informed her. She noticed the way the suit fell on her but couldn't help remembering how she looked without anything on. 'Stop it, Jen. Don't do this to yourself.'

"Alright. I'll be back down in a few minutes. Call me if you need anything."

"I think I'll be fine for a couple minutes alone. You don't have to worry about me."

"I do worry." Then she left the room and went into her bedroom to change into something more comfortable for lounging around the house in. When Lisa had left the kitchen, Jennie glanced at her reflection in a nearby mirror. What she saw scared her. 'How can I even expect Lisa to mean what she said last night? God, I'm hideous. There's no way she could possibly be in love with me.'

She absent-mindedly took the chicken out of the oven and put a piece on each other their plates. By that time the rice was finished cooking, and she scooped a healthy portion on Lisa's plate, but only a little on hers. She was still stressed-out and didn't have much of an appetite. And doubted she would for a while.

"It looks even better than it smells. I can't wait to taste it," her wife commented, making her presence known.

"Jump right in."

They sat down, Lisa taking her usual seat to Jennie's right. Neither of them said anything for several minutes; both were working up the nerve to say what they wanted to say to the other. Finally, halfway through the meal, they spoke at the same time.

The Marriage Deal [Jenlisa FF]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora