Part 22

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"Lisa, what's going on? Why are we here?" Jennie demanded as she and Lisa walked through the alley leading to 'The Loft'. "I told you I didn't want to go out tonight. Look, every birthday I've had since I turned seventeen has sucked beyond the telling of it. I'd like to just forget January sixteen even exists on the calendar."

Lisa stopped and stood in front of the birthday girl. "You're turning twenty-one, that's a pretty big deal. Besides, this year might be different. You might actually enjoy yourself."

"I doubt it. I guess I should be thankful for one thing, at least you didn't throw a huge party. Having tonight be just the two of us is a definite perk. That's all I wanted a nice, quiet birthday."

"It'll be nice, I promise you that." 'Quiet, on the other hand'

Jennie put her arms around hugging her wife. "In case I forget to tell you later, thank you."

"Well, don't thank me yet. Come on, let's go inside." Throwing her arm over her shoulder, Lisa led her inside the darkened building.

She glanced around curiously. "Where is everybody? Lisa, what have you done?" Suddenly, she was very suspicious.

Then, the lights clicked on, revealing her closest friends and family, all wearing party hats. A sign hung across the stage, reading HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY JENNIE! "Surprise!" they all shouted.

"Happy birthday, Jennie," Lisa whispered in her ear, planting a lingering kiss on her right cheek.

Her face lit up like a Christmas tree. "I can't believe it. You did all this for me? Why?"

"You've been complaining about how much you hate your birthday. I wanted to do something special for you," Lisa answered.

Jennie shook her head. "I should hate you for this, but I can't. This is the nicest thing anybody's ever done for me."

"It was all Lisa's idea," Nayeon told her, everyone making their way over to the couple. "She rented out the club for the night, bought all the decorations, called all of us up she did everything. Lisa said all we had to do was show up and bring you a present. And she mentioned something about not bringing alcohol."

"You've got yourself a great partner, Jennie," Winter stated. "Don't let her out of your sight for a minute."

She laughed. "I don't plan on it."

Jackson grabbed her hands. "Happy Birthday, Jenjen. Now, let's party!"

While Jennie was dragged on the dance floor by the brown-haired young man, Jisoo stood next to Lisa and watched them. "Doing this was really nice of you, you know that? It's nice to see her finally have a happy birthday."

"Well, she deserves it. Today's her day, and Jennie should feel special."

"She is."

Lisa watched her laugh as Jackson embarrassed himself by doing a silly dance move. The sound of her laughter tugged at her heart. "She certainly is."

Jisoo noted the tone of her voice. It didn't belong to someone pretending to be in love with a woman, it belonged to someone who *was* in love with her.

"Hey, girl," Jackson began, tapping Lisa on the shoulder a little while later. "Do you mind if I steal your beautiful wife for a dance?"

Lisa looked at Jennie, who stood nearby with Jisoo and Ella. "Go ahead. You don't need my permission to dance with her."

"Just checking so, you don't go all mad monkey on me."

"Not to worry. Mad monkey only killed bad guy. You're safe."

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