Part 8

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At twelve-thirty the next afternoon, Lisa walked into the Daegu Holding Facility and made her way to the sign-in area. "I'm Lisa Manoban, I am here to see my client. Jisoo Kim," she told the female guard behind the desk.

The guard handed her a clipboard. "Sign here."

"I know the routine." Lisa signed her name in the provided space.

"Good." She took the clipboard back and buzzed her through. "Conference Room Two is open. Wait there until I bring her in."

Lisa found the room without much trouble and sat herself down on one of the two chairs, spreading the contents of her briefcase in front of her. She scanned what she had written already while waiting for her client to arrive. There were only a few more things she needed to go over with her before preliminary hearings began on Tuesday.

"Well, doesn't this just brighten my whole day," Jisoo commented when she found her lawyer waiting for her. "A visit from my fearless lawyer. What brings you here on a Sunday afternoon?"

"Hello to you, too, Ms.Kim," Lisa said. "I came by to go over your case again. Hope I'm not interrupting anything particularly interesting."

Jisoo rolled her brown eyes. "Please. A couple of fellow inmates and I were about to embark on an exciting game of Old Maid. Rather ironic, huh? What's up?"

"The preliminary hearing is the day after tomorrow. It's there that the judge decides if there's enough evidence to bring your case to trial. There is a slim possibility Judge Wellings may ask you to speak, so I want you to tell me everything all over again. Everything, Jisoo. I don't want any surprises in there Tuesday. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am," she replied, saluting.

Lisa sighed heavily. 'I just *love* sarcastic women,' Lisa thought. 'I thank god Jennie isn't like Jisoo. She seem more like the quiet type. But then again, I have three years to find out exactly what type she is.' "How long had you been dating Jacob?"

"Close to three years."

"Would you say you two had a good relationship? A loving relationship?"

"You mean was the sex good? I wouldn't have stayed with him through all that shit if it wasn't," Jisoo answered.

Lisa shook her head, chuckling at her bluntness. "That wasn't what I meant. Was Jacob a good boyfriend? Loving and attentive?"

"Sure, when he wasn't using me as his personal punching bag."

"You have to *just* answer the question," the lawyer chastised. "Don't volunteer any other information that might incriminate or come back to haunt you later on. No added commentary. It'll only make you look guilty in the eyes of the judge. Or jury, if it comes to that."

"Fine. You asked if Jacob was a good boyfriend? Yeah, at first he was. For the first couple of months it was great."

Lisa scribbled in her notes. "At first, you said. When did it start to change?"

"About six months after we started going out, Jacob started getting really possessive. I couldn't go out without him asking where I was going and who I was going with. Then he told me I couldn't spend time with specific friends because he didn't like them. It got to the point where I had been cut off from every one of my friends; I'd have to sit at home and wait for him to call. It made me jealous of Jennie because I'd see her go out and have fun with her friends and I'd wish it were me."

"You said Jacob had been abusive towards you," Lisa began. "When did that start?"

Jisoo wrapped her arms around her body, as if trying to shield herself from the memories. "It began with him grabbing my arm and twisting it until I'd do what he said. But he didn't start hitting me until later on."

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