Part 36 [M]

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At eight the next morning, Lisa heard the front door open and close. she looked over and saw Jennie asleep a few inches away, obviously not having heard the sound of someone entering the house. As quietly as she could, she crept out of bed to find out who it was. Walking down the stairs to the front hall, she sighed with relief when she saw the housekeeper hanging up her jacket.

"Emilia. I completely forgot you were coming by today. Good morning," she greeted.

Emilia jumped upon hearing her voice. "Señora Manoban. I did not expect you to be home on a Thursday morning." Then she noticed her employer only wore a pair of gray sweatpants.

"Sorry. I took the day off. Jennie isn't feeling too well this morning, we think she has the flu or something," she lied.

Her face lit up like a Christmas tree. "The baby flu? Is Señora Jennie going to have a baby soon?"

Lisa sighed, but she couldn't stop herself from smiling at the thought. "Unfortunately no, Emilia. But maybe if you cross your fingers and say a prayer."

"I have been doing that para anos <for years>, Señora."

"Well, keep it up. Anyway, I don't want you to get sick because of Jennie, so why don't you take the rest of the day off," she offered. "I can do the cleaning today, and I'll even pay you for your trouble."

"All right. But let me prepare Señora breakfast before I go," Emilia said.

"No thanks, I've got it covered. Go home and be with your family." Once she left, Lisa went into the kitchen to make Jennie her favourite breakfast: two eggs scrambled with cheese, bacon, white toast and a glass of apple juice. When it was done cooking, she carried it upstairs on a tray so that she could enjoy breakfast in bed. As she entered the room, Jennie was just waking up.

"Morning," Lisa said with a smile, placing the food in front of her.

"Good morning." She eyed the plate of food in front of her. "What's this for?"

"I made you breakfast in bed," Lisa told her. "I thought you'd like to be pampered a little bit more."

Jennie grinned. "Thank you. It looks great."

"You might not think so once you actually taste it. How'd you sleep last night?"

Jennie shrugged her shoulders. "Okay, I guess. Definitely better than I would have because you were here."

"Think you might be ready to sleep by yourself tonight?"

"Maybe. We'll see how I'm feeling later. Is that okay with you?" she wanted to know.

"It's fine. Just let me know."


By the time Jennie and Lisa retired to bed that night, Jennie *did* feel ready to sleep in her room alone. They went into their separate bedrooms, but she made Lisa promise to keep her door open just to be safe. So, Lisa did.

After a frightening dream in which GD came back to the house, wearing the same sadistic smile she'd worn the night before, Jennie woke up in a cold sweat. Glancing over at the clock, she sighed upon discovering it only read five past midnight. 'The night hasn't even begun yet. I can't do this.'

Getting out of bed, she put on something more appropriate and made her way across the hall to Lisa's room. Luckily, the light was still on, and she sat on her bed with the covers over her waist, reading a file. she looked up when she caught sight of her out of the corner of her eye; she stood in her doorway without saying a word. "What's wrong?" Lisa questioned. "Are you okay?"

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