Chapter 5: Friends

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Pacing is kind of weird for me to plan out. I want things to move quickly so we can get to canon, but I don't want to just gloss over stuff, so I'm trying to take my time. I mentioned that I enjoy reading about growth, that being said, I also like reading about Luffy smacking down on people. Hopefully, I manage to get the give-and-take down. If not, well I guess you're just gonna have to deal with it.

Here's chapter 5. Enjoy.


Chapter 5: Friends

"Hey! That's mine!", Luffy yelled in annoyance, holding his large piece of meat high above his head where the little meat thieves couldn't get it. "White! Come get these little brats off me! They are trying to steal my meat again! They aren't even hungry, they just do it to be meanies!", the boy screamed, being practically bowled over by a multitude of white forms. Said White padded her way over and brushed the smaller wolves away from Luffy, something like scolding in her eyes. All the white forms gazed at his piece of meat, before running to various places around the trees, their eyes, unlike their mother's, dancing with laughter.

Crisis averted. For now.

The pups had grown considerably since the day Luffy had met the pack. He'd only been in the forest for a short while and it was by complete chance he came upon them, as he'd already gotten lost. Well... maybe not by complete chance. As the boy gazed into the forest and ate his large piece of raw meat, memories of his meeting with White and her pups floated through his mind.

It hadn't been long since Spencer and Luffy had parted ways and the teenager was already lost. He didn't know which way was North, so, he didn't know any of the other directions either. He'd gotten distracted climbing through the trees. Well... he'd been chasing some monkeys and they had led him on a wild goose chase... Or monkey chase. So much so, that they eventually escaped the boy's sight and disappeared into the canopies above, leaving him lost and lonesome.

"That was stupid! Now I don't know where I am!", the straw-hatted teen yelled into an empty forest, sighing, "Plus, I'm getting kinda hungry.". His stomach grumbled loudly. He was definitely going to need food.


Luffy gasped, grabbing his head in unexpected pain. That word. It wasn't even really a word, more like... An instinct... Yeah. It sounded right to the boy.

Said boy heard a faint snarl in the distance and didn't even stop to think before immediately sprinting his way toward it. It didn't take him very much time to reach the location of the noise. As he looked into the small clearing where the sounds were coming from, Luffy immediately noticed a large white wolf that appeared to be standing over a litter of pups. It was baring its fangs at a grey-colored bear, three times its size. The bear had various bleeding bite marks and scratches littering its body.

Luffy wasted no time. He sprinted his way into the area at seeing the large bear getting ready to lunge at the wolf. With little time to act, he pushed his right foot off the ground in the middle of his sprint and jumped toward the grey beast. In what would seem like an instant to most, Luffy's, now enhanced, knee smashed into the side of the monstrous bear's head. The impact caused the animal's skull to recoil and a crack was heard throughout the clearing. The force with which Luffy had propelled himself continued to drive the appendage further into the side of the bear's skull. Soon enough, the beast's head began to give way and its skull was crushed, as Luffy rode it to the ground.

The boy gingerly stood from his place on top of the dead animal, "SCORE! DINNER!".

The bear was huge and he was really hungry. Although, it was getting dark. It was hard to eat in the dark and he couldn't get any wood for a fire. He'd tried to cut down one of the trees with his haki but it had just bounced off! Why had no one told him you couldn't cut the trees down?!

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