Chapter 8: Third Impressions

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First off I want to say thank you to the people who have favorited and followed the story so far, as well as the people who have commented, it's pretty cool to see that people like it.

I saw a question about the rest of the moon islands and if Luffy and the crew would be visiting them, and I don't want to spoil anything so I'll just say that it was one of those seeds I was talking about and I hate to say it but it could be a long while before that one grows.

The next couple of chapters will be a little slower, but it's needed to build the story the right way. Or at least the way I see it in my head.

With that being said, here's Chapter 8.


Chapter 8: Third Impressions

Luffy woke up, groaning. His body hurt everywhere. The boy slowly opened his eyes, scanning his surroundings.

He smiled when his gaze landed on a familiar head of orange hair. So she had decided to stay after all. That made him happy. He wanted to know her name, as she was interesting to him. Even though she'd been scared of the Forest Guy, she still tried to go after the treasure. That took some guts. He ended up getting it so he wasn't mad about her trying to steal it. It was just part of the adventure. And what an adventure it was.

Luffy sighed, groaning in pain as he tried to sit up. "So peeper, what made you stay?", he asked the orangette, who was currently sitting at a table in the middle of the room. She looked to be... drawing something?

The girl was dressed in a blue/white striped v-neck t-shirt and a short yellow-orange skirt with three intersecting dark orange circles, surrounded by white, going up the left side. Around the cuffs, neckline, and hem of the shirt, were two thin blue stripes, as well as three more. A large one around her breast and two smaller ones directly below.

The orangette huffed in consternation as she paused and turned in her chair, looking up from her work at the newly awakened boy. "You need to stop calling me that!", she huffed angrily.

"Well, I don't really know what else to call you... You never gave me your name.", he replied in pained laughter. It didn't help that, peeper, fit. After all, she was one.

The orangette quieted. "Nami.", she replied in a small voice.

Nami. He liked it. A wave. It fit her. She was gonna make waves with him, he just knew it. "I like it!", he said, finally managing to get into an upright position.

The girl blushed. Where did he get off saying things like that? He'd flashed her in the middle of a forest! Nami turned her head away and huffed, blushing harder. She definitely hadn't been peeping... "What's your's?", the girl mumbled, still turned away from Luffy.

"I definitely didn't hear that.", he said, whistling, having definitely heard it. He wanted her to ask him to his face.

Nami turned back in his direction and repeated herself, angrily, "I said, what's your's! And you're a terrible liar!".

Luffy laughed, once again groaning in pain, Shanks had said the same thing. "It's Luffy.", he replied. His body really hurt. He laid back down and held his arm up flexing his fist. Everything had gone into that last attack. 'Thanks, Sabo.', he thought, peering at his hand with a smile. He actually managed to push his haki to cover his entire hand. He'd gotten stronger. The only unfortunate part was he wouldn't be able to use armament for a while. That was a bummer. He would just have to get stronger without it in the meantime.

"Luffy." She voiced to herself, testing the name on her lips.

"Yep, that's me.", said the straw hat-wearing boy, his stomach grumbling. How long had it been since he ate last? For that matter, how long had he been sleeping?

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