Chapter 33: Homecoming

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I'm super excited to get this one out! I've had it in my head for a long while so it was fun to finally write it! I expect you'll have some questions after reading and I promise they will be answered in the future, lol.

As always thanks for the support and I'd love to hear what you think about the chapter!


Chapter 33: Homecoming

The closer Nami got to Conomi, the faster her heart began to beat. She looked over her shoulder at the dark clouds growing closer and couldn't help but sigh slightly in relief. She hadn't really been sure if she was going to beat it or not, however, the winds blowing the storm in her direction had also increased her speed and she'd managed to stay ahead... But not by much... It was definitely going to hit the island shortly after she arrived.

The orangette turned back to the land mass growing larger on the horizon and took a deep breath, slowly letting the air out after holding it for a second. Her plan was simple. Dock at the opposite end of the island, sneak her way to her house, grab the money she needed from underneath her tangerine trees, find a wheelbarrow to put everything in, and then, she'd try to make her way to Arlong Park unnoticed where she would, hopefully, finally free her village. Her heartbeat began to grow even faster... It was finally time to end her servitude to that blue-skinned monster... She hoped that this time, it was actually true...

Nami could only pray that everything went according to plan... She shook her head and began directing the boat toward the backside of the island. Hopefully, Nojiko wasn't home... That would surely complicate things...


"Keep going, Levi!", Luffy screamed over the pouring rain, "Don't lose her, no matter what!". His legs were wrapped tightly around the figurehead of the Merry and his muscles strained while he tried to keep himself anchored to the ship.

The vessel rocked violently in the sea as it traveled through turbulent waters, huge waves crashing against its sides and sending even more water over the railing, drenching the already-soaked ship even further.

The two traveling companions had slowed in their pursuit of their orange-haired navigator, the storm being the cause. It had been just as the boy predicted. It caught them in the middle of the night and their travel speed had been cut back considerably in consideration for the Merry. Levi said he could still follow the direction of Nami's scent, but it was obviously getting harder. The rain was making things difficult.

Luffy's eyes glanced around at the crashing waves before he looked down at the figurehead of his ship, placing his palm on the wood while he tightly held Levi's reins in his opposite hand. "You doin' alright, Merry?", he asked softly, the words barely making it to his own ears over the pounding rain. He waited a long moment for a reply but eventually lifted his hand with a sigh when one didn't come.

The ship had been quiet ever since it had first 'spoken' to him but the pirate captain was sure his mind wasn't playing tricks on him at the time. He'd heard Merry's voice, he was certain of it. Why it refused to answer him now, he wasn't sure. However, that wasn't going to keep him from trying. He wanted to hear it again. It had been like that of a child, but, at the same time, so soft and soothing that it left him with a smile just thinking about it.

"Are we getting closer, Levi?", Luffy yelled down to the violently rocking waters, grabbing the reins with both hands once again.

The straw-hatted teen barely heard the loud rumble coming from under the crashing waves but the words reached him and he grinned determinedly, his eyes peering through the rain to the horizon. He didn't know how much longer it would be until they caught up to her, but they were getting closer... And once they found her... His navigator would be coming with him whether she liked it or not.

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