Chapter 38: Celebrations

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Slowing things down here a little bit but still a very fun chapter to write. These kinds of chapters are probably the ones I have the most fun with. I love doing fights, but I really enjoy good character interactions and those are a little easier to figure out when the characters aren't beating the snot out of each other, lol. Anyway, the next couple of chapters will be slower ones so expect that but I still think they will be fun reads.

Also, I'm loving all the comments and feedback on these most recent chapters so keep it coming! Ngl, the more I hear from you guys the more I get the urge to write, even if it's just something like 'good chapter' or 'bad chapter'... Is that my attempt at a bribe?... Maybe... Lol. Still, I appreciate you all, regardless, for even just reading. :)

Alrighty, that's enough from the cringe lord. Hope you guys enjoy this one and, as always, let me know what you think!


Chapter 38: Celebrations

Darkness... It was the only thing Arlong could see as he abruptly awoke from his slumber.

A groan left the fishman's mouth when he made to sit up, the waking haze beginning to clear from his mind. With his growing lucidity came vicious stabbing pain lancing through his head, right behind his eyes. He attempted to open them to get a look at his surroundings but his vision never brightened... His heart began to beat faster and panic shot through him... Why couldn't he open his eyes?...

Jinbei's black orbs watched his ex-crew mate scramble in panic while he rubbed at the bloody cloth tied around his head before they dropped to the ground at his feet... Hachi had told him everything...

Shame filled the warlord's stomach when he thought back on his arrival to Cocoyashi... If only he'd tried to understand rather than let his anger get the best of him... When he saw one of his fellow fishmen practically half dead at a human's feet, he'd been consumed with rage... And now that he knew the whole story... He was ashamed... Because he was the cause... An entire village had been subjected to Arlong's reign of terror... All because of him...

"I suggest getting him to a doctor.", Jinbei said in the orangette's direction, his eyes glued to the unconscious form in her arms.

The words made Nami scoff, a growl leaving her lips when she replied, her gaze settling on the figure hanging over his shoulder. "And I hope he dies before you can get him to one.", she spat, her voice laced with vitriol.

The words made more sense now...

"Leave... And never come back.", the girl said, putting an end to the conversation as she glared into the eyes of the larger fishman.

Jinbe held the girl's gaze for another moment longer before sighing and turning away, his eyes still peeled into a glare, "... We won't.".

He couldn't even go back and try to rectify things... Well, he could... But, it would likely do more harm than good... Jinbei's lips turned downward into a frown... Even if he was never forgiven, he hoped their paths crossed again one day so he could, at the least, apologize for the pain caused by his decision all those years ago... For now, though... He'd just have to shoulder the guilt and keep moving forward...

It had been almost a day since they'd left Cocoyashi and, after hearing the full story from Hachi, Jinbei knew what he needed to do... He'd sent the octopus fishman ahead with the others when he discovered the small uninhabited island they were currently on, wanting to deal with Arlong on his own. A part of him was angry with those three as well, but at the same time, Arlong was their captain, so he was the one the crew's crimes fell on... They also fell on him... He honestly didn't know if he really even had the right to do what he was doing...

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