Chapter 27: First Mate

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Saw a couple of new comments and suggestions for the future of the story and I really appreciate them. I don't have everything in the story planned out so if there's something you think would be cool or would work well in with the plot don't be afraid to let me know! That being said I won't promise they will make it into the story, lol.

A particular comment asked about Luffy's future romance and to answer your question I'm going to unfortunately have to give a non-answer because I really just don't know. I'm not gonna say Luffy wont have any romantic relationship, but at the same time I can't promise he will. / I'm a very indecisive person when it comes to certain things so, if that decision needs to be made, it will be made much further down the line.

As always thank you all for the support and definitely let me know what you think of the chapter! You know how much I love reading your comments! The next one is being worked on so I'll try not to keep you guys waiting too long!

Here's Chapter 27! Hope you like it!


Chapter 27: First Mate

"You friends with the brat that did this?", Morgan asked, standing and turning toward Koby and Zoro.

The verdet looked at the large blond man and couldn't help but think he looked similar to the kid that had him arrested. He assumed it was probably the captain of the base, otherwise known as Helmeppo's 'daddy'... What a strange way for a boy to refer to their father...

Koby's knees shook violently in the face of Axe-Hand Morgan now walking in his direction. A marine had never scared him so much before... To be fair, he hadn't met many in the first place, but the sentiment was the same nonetheless. "S-orry, s-sir.", the boy stammered, "I... just don't t-think he should be... exe-executed.".

Zoro watched the interaction in boredom. He had no idea who the kid was and if the marine captain had birthed the idiot that put him there... Let's just say, he was more worried about dying from starvation than being killed outright... He shook his head and looked up to the roof. Where the hell was Luffy with his swords? His wrists were chaffed to the high heavens and he was more than ready to get out of his bindings.

Morgan shot the small pink-haired child a menacing glare, "You disrespectin' me, you pink-haired shrimp?".

Koby paled but couldn't help gaping incredulously at the same time. How was he disrespecting him?! He'd said one sentence! Sure, he disagreed with the decision to have Zoro killed, but Helmeppo made that decision! Not him! "N-no s-sir. I j-just don't thin-".

"Like I give a shit about what you think, Shrimp Boy.", the man interrupted. No one disrespected him and got away with it. If someone didn't respect him, they could die. If it was by his hand... All the better. He was the only person in the world that mattered... The marine captain continued to stare, "You're disrespectin' my authority and the consequence for that crime... Is death.".

Koby stood still as Morgan began to approach. He couldn't move. He was too scared. Was he going to die? Was he going to die before he even got the chance to become an actual marine? Was he going to be killed by the thing he admired most in the world? The thoughts kept him frozen in place, the man coming to kill him not slowing for even a moment.

"Better do something, kid. He's serious.", Zoro provided, still hanging from the wooden poles. He knew the eyes of someone ready to kill and the large blond man fit the bill perfectly.

The pinket continued to stare wide-eyed even after Zoro's words. He was just too frightened... No matter what he said to himself he couldn't make a move and it was scaring him even more, creating a never-ending cycle that continued to hold him in place.

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