Chapter 47: Bounty Heard Around the World

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Back again with another one!

I saw a comment from a guest on the last chapter and I just couldn't help but reply to it so, if you don't feel like reading the note on this one, just head into the chapter and I hope you enjoy it!

In regards to the comment, I disagree with a lot that was said but there were some parts that I could at least see where they were coming from. The whole Luffy not stealing and then stealing later in the story has a pretty simple explanation IMO. He wasn't a pirate yet, lol. TBH I feel like he's been pretty constant in regards to his character but maybe I'm crazy.

Second, is using Fat Luffy solely for comic relief and while I agree that I do use it for comic relief, it also makes sense within the confines of the story. We see Kid blow up just like Luffy in the Wano arc. So, I believe that particular trait doesn't only apply to him.

Next up was Zoro and I can kinda see this one but I still don't really get the whole notion that he only fights or challenges swordsmen or women. As far as I'm aware Kaku wasn't a swordsman and I feel like there are others, but that might just be me looking for a way to explain myself, lol.

The comment also mentioned Garp and the weak excuse for why he didn't know about Luffy's haki and I'll give them this one, it wasn't great. But, I thought it was good for the time being and left it open enough to build upon later. You'll notice I do that with a lot of things.

It was mentioned that Sanji and Zoro missed out on moments that defined their characters and their reasons for becoming Straw Hats but I feel like If you read the pre-canon arc those things are there, they are just different. Zoro grew a ton during the pre-canon arc and instead of Zoro being the one to push Sanji to chase his dream, it was Zeff. There was a whole conversation between the two of them (Zeff and Sanji) and I chose to try and highlight that vs. go the canon route.

I thought the thing about Luffy curb-stomping people felt like an argument just to make one, lol. I explained Haki Exhaustion and the way it works in this story and if you follow that reasoning, I feel like it's not that hard to see why he's so strong without haki.

Lastly was the meetings with Robin and Jinbe and I just can't help but disagree. Within the confines of the story, I feel like Robin fit with what was going on at the time. The second in command of a society of bounty hunters goes to recruit more bounty hunters... In Jinbe's case, I'll admit we probably see Hachi differently as there was some background stuff for his character that didn't quite make it into the story, but I still feel like with the way things went it wasn't that much of a leap.

After writing all this I realize I probably have a pretty heavy author's bias but still, I think I make some pretty good counterpoints. Or not. Who knows? Anyway, still, I want to say thanks for the comment. I enjoyed reading and responding to it. And don't think I forgot about the rest of you. I love all the attention this story gets even if I don't respond to everything. Sorry for the rantiness and I'll stop talking now. Enjoy the chapter!


Chapter 47: A Bounty Heard Around the World

A knock startled the man sitting at the cluttered room's main desk and he looked up from the newspaper in his feathery hands, "Come in!".

The door opened and a young journalist entered the room with a Den Den Mushi held at his side, "It's for you, Mr. Morgan.". He sighed knowing the response he was about to receive, but the person on the other end of the line had been very adamant that they talk with him directly, "It's Navy HQ.".

A scoff rose from the bird-like figure's yellow beak and he stood from his desk, the many white feathers covering his body rustling as he made his way in his employee's direction. When the young man presented him with the Den Den Mushi, instead of taking it and answering the call... He hung up...

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