Chapter 12: A Lust For Blood

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Sorry about being gone for a little bit! I've been dealing with some stuff and just haven't been writing as much but I'm still working on this! I want to say thank you to everyone who has commented and all of the favorites and follows it means a ton to see people enjoying my writing. There are a ton of new comments that I loved reading and some that gave some good ideas for the future as well. So thank you guys so much and I hope the comments keep coming in! I absolutely love reading them.

This chapter has some slightly graphic parts so just a little warning. It's nothing too bad, at least I don't think it's that bad, but I thought a little warning couldn't hurt. I like this chapter and I'm relatively pleased with the way it turned out. Like usual I'll probably sure some stuff up later but I wanted to get this chapter out because I know you all have been waiting:) Honestly, I'm never really sure how a chapter will be received so regardless if you hate it or love it, let me know!

The last thing I wanted to mention is for my own conscience. I honestly have no idea if you guys get notifications when I update chapters but I do it a lot. It's really just me going back and editing small stuff like typos and maybe rewording certain things. If I ever change something that I think I should tell you guys about, I will more than likely add it to the author's note in the latest chapter, that way you don't have to go through and look at every single author's note. In the future, I'll try and keep the editing updates to a minimum. I just don't want to annoy anyone with constant notifications when nothing in the story is really being changed. All of this being said, I do update the chapters quite a bit and some of them will read a little better now than they probably did when I first posted them. So, if you want to, definitely go back and re-read. Anyways, I still don't actually know if you get update notifications. If not... Well, just disregard this. :)

Without further ado, here's chapter 12 :)


Chapter 12: A Lust for Blood

Luffy woke abruptly, heckles raised, his hat falling from his face to hang around his neck. Something was wrong. There weren't many things that could bring him out of his meat dreams but something had and he wanted to know what. He sniffed the air, immediately rising from the bed he occupied, and headed toward the door, jumping into his sandals on the way.

Bloodlust. He just knew it. He couldn't even really smell it. It was a feeling more than anything but that was how the wolves had done it and it was how he'd learned. White had always liked to interrupt fights between different animals because it usually meant more food for the pack. So, being able to 'smell' bloodlust became almost second nature to Luffy in the month he spent with them.

"You too?", Zoro asked, following his future captain out of the door. He held his hand on Kitetsu's hilt as it practically vibrated in its sheath.

The straw-hatted boy said nothing, dropping to all fours and closing his eyes.

Shuffling and the ruffling of clothes came from behind Zoro as he exited the room. "Where the hell are the two of you going? We shouldn't be snooping around Kaya's house!", Usopp whisper-yelled, quickly trying to tie his sash around his waist.

Luffy didn't respond, instead, prowling down the hallway with his conscious mind all but shut down and his senses dialed up to eleven. Something had happened but it was faint, like it had taken place some time ago. The boy berated himself for sleeping so heavily. Then again... the meat had been really tasty. He shook his head and followed the trail he'd discovered by the bathroom to the stairs. Zoro must've felt something similar because the two quickly began making their way down them and from there to the front door.

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