Chapter 29: Feeding Time

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This chapter might make it seem like things are following the cannon storyline and we are to some extent, but I promise it's going to differ in some areas! lol. I had fun writing this one and I hope you enjoy reading it. As always I appreciate the support, so definitely let me know what you think of this one!


Chapter 29: Feeding Time

"What the hell is going on here?", Sanji asked again.

Patty and Carne began to shake slightly at the look they were receiving, but the larger of the two still managed to respond, "We d-don't give handouts, Sanji.".

The teen continued to stare at them for a moment before turning away to face the person lying on the ground, "Get back to the kitchen. I'll take care of this.". He heard their voices begin to rise in protest and shot a glare over his shoulder, "I said... Get back to the kitchen.".

The two chefs began to shake even harder. They knew what happened when they didn't listen to Sanji...

The blond smiled when he saw the two bolt toward the kitchen door, turning back to the man on the ground. He walked over and knelt next to him, "Think you can walk?".

The man looked up to a pair of kind blue-grey eyes and went to respond but was stopped by a fit of coughs. They lasted for a long moment before settling down and he attempted to speak once again.

"Don't.", Sanji said, waving a hand in dismissal. He stood up and turned back to the table his friends were sitting at. "Hey, Luffy! Mosshead! Come carry this guy to the back.", he shouted, before turning to address the other patrons in the restaurant, "Sorry about all that, ladies and gentlemen. Everything has been taken care of. Please go back to enjoying your meals.". At his words, the chatter in the room immediately began to pick up once again, Zoro and Luffy standing up to approach the entrance.

Nami remained in her seat at the table and tried to look relaxed, her mind moving at a blinding pace. She'd been so distracted by her thoughts that she hadn't even realized that she'd seen the man on the floor before, not hours earlier... All she could think about was the fact that it was time to go. However, the pit in her stomach was becoming almost unbearable...

The girl grit her teeth at the boys' backs and steeled herself. She wasn't going to get a better opportunity than this... Once they were gone she would make her move. The only thing that could really throw her plan was Levi... Hopefully, she wouldn't need to worry about it. Unless he was asked, the beast didn't usually stay very close to where they docked.

The orangette shook the thought away. She would deal with it even if he was around... Levi seemed to like her and she wasn't entirely opposed to trying to sweet-talk him into taking her home. The thought made her laugh internally as she watched the two boys make it to the front entrance, her eyes landing on the one in the straw hat... It would probably be pretty hard to separate those two.

"You look terrible, guy.", Luffy said, stopping to stand on one side of the person Sanji wanted them to move, Zoro finding the other. They both bent and slowly picked him up. He looked like he just might break if they weren't careful.

"No, shit...", the man replied in a gravelly voice, finally coming to stand with his arms hanging on the shoulders of the two who'd helped him. "Feel like shit, too.", he added.

Luffy smiled and turned excitedly toward the door. "Don't worry, guy! Once you taste Sanji's food you'll feel all better!", he exclaimed. Maybe Sanji would make him something too!

Zoro reluctantly grunted in confirmation.

The man's eyes widened and he turned to look at the chef standing behind them, "But... I... I don't have any money.".

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