Chapter 43: Broken Ideals

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I won't lie I had some trouble with this one, hence why it took longer than usual. I still don't know if it's exactly where I want it to be but I feel like it's in a good enough spot to post, so here we are. Some edits might be coming in the next couple days though.

Also, there are some more gruesome scenes and themes in this chapter so just a little heads up for that.

Still loving all the comments, favorites, and follows coming in and I appreciate all of you sticking around with me! Anyways, as always, let me know what you think and hopefully I'll be back soon!


Chapter 43: Broken Ideals

"I said stop, Roronoa!", Tashigi growled, shouldering through packed bodies to try and keep pace with the green-haired swordsman she was following, "We weren't done talking!"

Zoro's steps continued at the same pace almost as if he hadn't heard the words of the woman on his heel, his hand lightly resting on Kitetsu. The blade had begun to lightly vibrate not long after he'd made his exit from the weapons shop and it'd been in his possession long enough for him to know what it meant... His katana was picking up on bloodlust coming from somewhere...

"Are you even listening to me?!", Tashigi questioned in exasperation, continuing to push her way through the crowd. Honestly... She wasn't even really sure what they still had to talk about... A part of her, however, just couldn't let the ex-bounty hunter leave so easily... She just knew he was in Lougetown to make trouble and she would be there to make sure it was stopped before things got out of hand.

The swordsman sighed and went to answer, but the vibrating coming from Kitetsu stopped him. It was getting stronger... Instead of replying to the woman's question, he continued on his way through the crowd, ignoring the angered groan coming from behind him... What exactly was Kitetsu picking up on?...

Zoro eventually made it out of the bustling group of townspeople and glanced over his shoulder with a sigh, watching Tashigi as she adamantly stayed on his trail. "Why the hell are you following me, Copycat?", he asked in annoyance, stopping the girl from running into him with a hand on the shoulder.

Tashigi looked up in embarrassment, red spreading across her cheeks before she quickly shook the feeling off and knocked the taller boy's arm away. "Because I know you're going to cause trouble if I leave you alone!", she hissed angrily. Did he not remember all the destruction he and his friends had caused in the past?... Retired or not, they were still Merry's Terrible Trio... "And my name's not Copycat, damn it!", she added, crossing her arms in consternation, "It's TASHIGI! And I know you know that.".

The verdet stared at the woman for a moment before waving her away and starting back in the direction Kitetsu was leading him, "Whatever, Copycat.". It didn't really matter if she followed him at the end of the day... It was just annoying... He had to hold in his laughter at the angered growl aimed at his back and shook his head, continuing down the street in search of what was making his katana so agitated. It wasn't long before the vibrations of his blade intensified and he paused, eyes searching for the cause.

Zoro's gaze moved through the area for a moment before they landed on a small alleyway on the opposite side of the street. His hand found Kitetsu once again and he could feel it coaxing him in its direction, a small excited grin rising to his lips. He hoped he got to fight.

The thought made the swordsman look over his shoulder and he met his stalker's eyes, another sigh leaving his lips at the glare she was sending him before he turned to make his way to the dark alley on the other side of the road... With her around... Maybe it was best if there wasn't a fight...

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