Chapter 18: Imagination

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Alright! Here we go! This was a really fun chapter. It was also one of the more difficult. I don't think I'm the greatest with fight scenes so I'm sure things could be better in some places and the pacing feels a little iffy but still, I'm happy with where it's at. I won't say much more than that!

The next chapter is underway so expect it in the coming weeks. Hopefully, this will hold you over until then. Hope you enjoy it. :)

Here's Chapter 18. Happy reading!


Chapter 18: Imagination

Nami slowly pulled the door open, bracing herself for whatever she found on the other side.

"CARINA! YOU CAME BA-", the bushy brown-haired woman stopped herself, the jovial expression dropping from her face when she saw orange hair walking through the door instead of purple. "Who tha hell're you?", she asked with a slur.

The orangette inched her way further into the room. Who the hell was this woman? And... Was she drunk?

The woman was tall, curvy, and had tan skin a little darker than her own. Nami was a little jealous honestly, she was beautiful. Her bushy hair pushed out of the back of a black cap with a pink bill, a white letter N on it. She had brown eyes and a round face but she really managed to pull it off. The only mars on her skin were the red cheeks and slightly swollen lips from the alcohol she'd obviously been drinking. Other than that, she was a knockout.

Around her shoulders, she wore a long white fur coat that hung just above the ground. Underneath the coat, was a light green shirt with a deep-cut V collar over a pair of pink pants, and black shoes.

As Nami's eyes glanced over the woman's form, she couldn't help but salivate at all the jewelry she was wearing. If she could somehow get her hands on it... She stopped herself from that train of thought, immediately. She didn't need her eyes turning to berries right now. It didn't feel like the right time.

Glancing behind the brown-haired woman, Nami saw she was standing in front of a wooden chair. Beside that chair were more than twenty glass bottles of what she assumed was alcohol. The girl gaped in wonder. This woman might even be able to give Zoro a run for his money in a drinking contest. "How do you know Carina?", the orangette asked, glancing around the room. Was she even going to get a coherent answer?

"Well... Me and Carina.", the woman paused, as if thinking. "We ussed to be", a very un-ladylike burp sounded into the air, "besties.". She suddenly seemed to get a little sad. "But then she up and left me here all alone and now", a hiccup came from her lips. "I'm the only girl left on the whole crew.", the brown-haired woman pouted, turning to walk back to her chair.

Nami watched the woman curiously. Just what did she mean by that? Was Carina...

As she thought about it, the theory made a lot of sense. The orange-haired girl shook her head and got back to the matter at hand. Her priority right now was the woman in front of her. Just what the hell was she doing there? Other than getting drunk? She was obviously a part of Mad Treasure's crew but why would she be here by herself... Drinking?

She turned her back to the orange-haired girl and her brown eyes landed on a pink bow and a quiver of arrows hanging off the woman's white coat. Nami groaned. She was hoping this would be easy. Just distract the drunk enough to sneak out of there and then move on to, hopefully, where the treasure was. The woman would have chased but the girl was confident she could have outrun her in the state she was in. She wasn't even walking straight!

The brown-haired woman removed the quiver from her back and placed it next to the chair before turning and sitting down on the wooden piece of furniture. She bent over and picked up an uncorked glass bottle from the pile, beginning to sip on it. "When are you gonna come back and play with me, Carina?!", she huffed into the air as she thought about the purple-haired girl. The woman licked her lips, sadistically. She'd always been so much fun to play with... Her eyes roamed over the orange-haired girl still standing at the entrance to her little arena. 'Hmm...'. Since Carina wasn't there... Maybe she would be fun to play with.

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