Chapter 28: Maps, Posters, and Menus

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Not much to say about this chapter, so go ahead and jump right into it. Thanks for all the support and feel free to let me know what you think of this one!

Here's Chapter 28.


Chapter 28: Maps, Posters, and Menus

"Levi! Look how big that bird is!" Luffy exclaimed, looking up into the sky while he swam with his friend. It looked like he could ride it if he could get up there... Plus, it was moving in the direction they were headed in! He looked over at the sea beast, a plan forming in his head... A crazy plan. "Hey, Levi... Think you can get me up there?", he asked, a grin growing on his face.

"Luffy! Don't you dare!", Nami screamed over the railing of the Merry. They were close to the island and if he got there first, all hell was sure to break loose. It would make it way harder to steal not only the map but the treasure they were sure to have too.

Zoro dropped his barbell and looked up at the navigator to tell her she should save her breath but was interrupted by the sound of his captain's laughter shooting into the air, his form heading directly for the large bird... The verdet sighed to himself and watched Luffy crash into the bird. It looked like he almost fell down to the ocean below before the creature shot off in the direction of their destination, likely in panic...

Brown orbs followed the boy now riding away and a huff came from the orangette's mouth. "Zoro, grab Levi's reins! We need to get there at least close to the same time he does...", she ordered.

The verdet certainly didn't disagree with the sentiment and therefore grabbed the rope Luffy used to pull the boat from where it sat beside the figurehead. He stepped up and tossed the makeshift reins into the water, watching them immediately be pulled under the water. "Alright, Levi. Get to Luffy and be quick about it.", he commanded to the beast.

The Merry was immediately jerked forward and began to move much faster than it previously had been... Hopefully, they made it before Luffy did anything too ridiculous...

"To Buggy! Our incredible captain!", one of the man's subordinates screamed, raising his mug of ale into the air.

The rest of the men yelled their agreement to the statement, raising their glasses in reply. "Speech! Speech! Speech!", the crew of the Buggy Pirates chanted.

The man who stood at the request of his men closely resembled... A clown for lack of a better word. His large spherical red nose was mostly what made him look this way.

He wore a long orange captain's coat around his shoulders and a red/white striped shirt underneath. Around his neck was a purple ascot and he wore a pair of tan pants tucked into socks that were patterned just like his shirt. The last things of note were his large red shoes and the orange sash tied around his waist.

Buggy raised his hand to quiet his men before speaking, "I just want to say, that I wouldn't be half the man I am today if it wasn't for all of you.". A lie, of course. He was The Great Buggy, a former crewman of the King of the Pirates. He didn't really need any of the rabble he was surrounded with. "Each and every one of you is near and dear to me.", the clown lied, smirking at all the looks of admiration he was receiving.

The pirate captain turned and walked to the table behind him, grabbing a rolled-up piece of parchment from it. He returned to his spot and slowly unrolled the paper, unveiling it for the eyes of his men to see, "For those of you who don't know, this is a map to the Grandline!... And I've decided that it's our next great adventure!". What they didn't know, was that he didn't need the map at all... But that knowledge would imply that he'd been to the Grandline before... Which, he didn't need anyone knowing at this very moment...

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