Chapter 31: Captain's Orders

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I'm back! Sorry this one is coming a little later than usual! I had a little bit of trouble with this chapter, hence why it is coming a little later than previous chapters. However, I got it finished and I think it will lead nicely into where I want things to go. Things are going to be a little different from here on out and I'm excited for the next couple of chapters. Also, I know I'm going to sound like a broken record here, but don't be afraid to leave long-winded reviews if the urge strikes you, they are actually a ton of fun for me to read and I always get excited in people showing an interest in how the story is going to develop. Just wanted to put that out there again... Don't worry, it probably won't be the last time :)

As always, thanks for the support and I would love to know what you think of the chapter! Anyways, enough out of me!

Here's Chapter 31!


Chapter 31: Captain's Orders

"Anyone in here a doctor?", Luffy yelled as the front door of the Baratie slammed open.

Gin looked up and his eyes widened at the sight that met his vision. What the hell had happened to Zoro?! The swordsman's form was soaked in blood, most of it coming from the large gash starting at his left shoulder and running almost all the way down to his right hip.

"You, boy.", Don Krieg said, disregarding the bleeding form in the kid's arms. He dropped his fork on his plate and stood up to address him, "I've seen you somewhere before.". As soon as the two had come through the door, he'd thought they looked familiar. The straw hat was especially tickling something in his brain. However, he was having trouble placing where he'd seen them.

Luffy ignored the large man and repeated his earlier words, "Someone in here a doctor?". He showed Zoro's bloodied body to the rest of the room, "He needs help... Bad.".

A woman stood from her table and rushed in their direction after being shown the gruesome injury on the green-haired boy's chest. "Please put him on the ground.", she said, looking into the eyes of the straw-hatted teen. He looked worried...

"You're a doctor?", Luffy asked while he softly placed his friend on the floor.

"Ten years today, actually.", the woman replied. This was the last thing she expected to be doing on her day off... "I need gauze, a needle, something to sew this up with, and the strongest alcohol you can find.", she ordered, pressing a cloth napkin against the bleeding wound in the boy's chest. It was one of the most gruesome injuries she'd ever seen... She wasn't even really sure how he was still alive...

"Thanks doc... I really need that drink.", Zoro hissed as the cloth pressed against his split skin.

The doctor gaped at the green-haired swordsman, "That's not what the alcohol is fo-"

"I'm talking to you boy.", Don Krieg said, interrupting the woman before she could finish. The displeasure at being ignored could very obviously be heard in his voice.

"SANJI! I NEED YOU!", Luffy screamed in the direction of the kitchen, ignoring the man once again. Sanji probably had a better idea of where that stuff would be. He just hoped he responded quickly... He didn't know how much more blood Zoro could afford to lose... "Is he gonna be alright?", the teen asked softly.

The woman kept the cloth firmly pressed against the large wound, "... Somehow... If I'm being honest...". Crimson spurted onto the front of her green dress, but she held her hands steady. It wasn't her first time seeing blood. This much?... Maybe... "As long as I get the things I need, he'll be alright.", she replied.

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