Chapter 45: Destiny's Declaration

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Hey there, everyone. I know it's been a while but I wanted to get this chapter out before the year was up, so here we are. It's been a busy month and I haven't had as much time to write, however, I'm hoping that changes come January. I'm still excited about the continuation of this story and feel like it has a lot left to give! Also, we hit 1,000 follows recently which is crazy so I wanted to say thank you guys for all the support!

Anyways, I'll shut up so you can read the chapter, lol. Hope you all enjoy it and don't be afraid to let me know what you think!


Chapter 45: Destiny's Declaration

The surrounding crowd was in awe as they watched the spectacle unfold before them, most looking on in fascination while some began to try and make their exit, fearing what the situation might become. However, while most of the people were focused on the marine captain and his fight with the woman taking place in front of the scaffold, there was one in the mass of densely packed bodies that was there for one reason and one reason alone.

It felt like fate... After the whole debacle with the cadet, something the mob boss could still barely believe happened, they'd gathered themselves together and prepared to head back to the hideout with the assumption that the Marines now thought he was a cannibal... He still was rather peeved about that... They even decided to bring Ren along with them. With his permission, of course. Not that it was very hard to get...

However, just when they went to get on their way, something stopped the man... It was just a feeling but it was strong enough to make him abandon his desire to get home and lead him and his boys to the area surrounding the execution platform. And, now that he'd made it... He had an inkling as to what the feeling was... It was his Straw Hat tingle.

Bartolomeo never imagined he'd get to see him in person and he couldn't help but stare at the bounty hunter's struggling form in wonder. It was really him... Straw Hat Luffy... Ever since he'd first read about Merry's Terrible Trio in the news, he'd been enraptured by the group of bounty hunters. Especially Luffy. He just thought they were the coolest group ever! Their exploits had been detailed in the paper many times and he was proud to say, he had every single one of their articles pinned to a large board in his hideout. Sometimes, when he was bored, he would re-read the articles on his wall and imagine what it would have been like to be there with them... Weirdly enough, it was one of his favorite ways to spend his free time...

"Boss! What should we do?! That's Mista Luffy!", Gambia cried, reaching for Barto's shoulder. He turned him in his direction, "It looks like he's in some serious trouble!".

The green-haired man smacked his subordinate's hand away and turned back to the platform, eyes once again drinking in the sight of the struggling bounty hunter. As much as he hated to admit it, Gambia was right... Mista Luffy looked like he was in quite a predicament... He could use his forcefields to save him but he really didn't want to do anything that would steal his hero's thunder. He just knew he would figure things out himself. He wouldn't be his hero if he couldn't.

Barto's determination hardened and he ripped his eyes away from the spectacle taking place in the center of the crowd, gaze shifting to a large group of marines just barely holding back a large mob from entering the area. He smirked to himself at the sight, an idea coming to mind, and turned back to Gambia. "How abouts we go stir up a little chaos to help out Mista Luffy?", he asked, pointing toward the struggling marines.

Gambia almost immediately understood the words and a matching smirk rose to his lips before he turned to the rest of their men, "Alright, boys! The Boss wants us to make some trouble and he gave me a pretty good idea how!". He turned away and pointed at the central entrance to the area, motioning the others to follow his lead as he began to push through the crowd, "So, let's go get it done! Ryo! Stay here and take care of Ren!".

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