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Pulling up at La Push I look around frowning seeing Sam walking around, with his arm
around Emily I sneer as Becca pulls me to Leah's house.

Knocking on the door quickly she pushes it open Sue comes from the kitchen looking at us
"Bella Becca?" She asks.

I nod smiling "Hi Mrs. Clearwater is Leah home?" I ask in a sweet voice.

"She's in her room but doesn't want visitors" she says slowly looking to the hallway leading
to the rooms.

"To bad I really need my cuddle time" I answer stalking past her happily dragging Becca hearing Sue chuckling.

Reaching her room I shove the door open seeing Leah glaring at us "WHAT" she yells.

"Don't yell at me asshole I demand my fucking cuddles" I answer crossing my arms.

"I don't care" she growls.

Stomping up to her I sneer at her "You have two choices either I get cuddles or we fight" I say raising my voice.

"I'm not cuddling you after last time" she grunts.

"I was 7 woman" I huff pouting.

"You showed up demanding to play with my titties and grabbed them" she says gruffly.

"I was curious damn it I didn't have any you did" I answer throwing my hands up "Why the
fuck is Sam walking around with your perfect princess cousin" I demand pointing to the door.

She huffs ignoring me so I frown looking her over seeing she's taller with more muscles,
reaching out I pull her shirt up over her stomach looking "Damn Leah my poor little gay heart can't take all the sexiness".

Leah huffs yanking her shirt down "I don't know why I was ever friends with you".

I hum pouncing on her wrapping my arms and legs around her "Because I argued with you and wasn't intimidated by you" I mumble nuzzling her neck.

Leah huffs wrapping her arms around my back "Why are you here?" she asks.

"We were invited to the get together and seen Sam with Emily we demand answers" Becca says while opening the closet looking threw her clothes.

"Sam proposed to me then he went missing for two weeks turns out he was busy fucking her,
came back and took my ring giving it to her" she says growling slightly.

I tighten my hold on her "Translation he shifted imprinted on that bitch and instead of being a man and ending your relationship, he goes and cheats then rubs it in your face with it being worse since you've shifted now" Becca says hissing.

Leah stiffens "I don't know what your talking about" she says growling.

Pulling my head back I grab her face making her look at me "Leah do not lie to us we are not stupid, we know about the pack and vampires we have for years".

She glares at me "How do you know?"

"Simple answer we are mated to a set of vampire twins and bond children to two nomadic
vampires who have been picking on the pack".

Leah sighs gently pushing me I hop down sitting on her bed "If you could break the pack bond and leave would you?" I ask softly.

"Yes" she says sadly.

Jumping up I clap my hands together moving to the closet pulling clothes out throwing them to her "Great get dressed you are coming to the bonfire".

She frowns looking at me then the door I shake my head crossing my arms "Nope I wanna watch" Becca sigh grabbing my arm pulling me out to the living room.

"Are you girls hungry?" Sue asks.

Walking to the kitchen I groan seeing Indian tacos grabbing one, I take a bite moaning at the
taste "Oh these are so good" I groan.

"Thank you Mrs. Clearwater" I say smiling at her grabbing another "Leah is coming to the
bonfire with us" I add smirking.

Hearing her stomping into the living room she glares at me "Come on little pervert" she barks pointing to the door.

I smile looking at Sue "She loves me" I say smugly before walking out eating my taco.

Seeing Angela waving I raise my hand holding my extra taco and give a half hearted wavy as
we join her, pulling Leah to sit by me as I finish one I lay my head on her shoulder watching
the others drinking or roasting hotdogs.

"What are you eating?" one of the school bitches sneers.

"Native food" I answer smugly.

"Why do you get that we was told bring our own" she asks bitching.

"Because I'm loved by Sue Clearwater" I say smugly hearing Leah chuckle.

"I bet it's pitty food" she sneers.

"You will shut your fucking mouth my mother loves the Swan twins, they are considered her children that's why they get to eat her food" Leah says darkly.

Seeing Billy come up he glares at me and Becca before starting to tell the tribe legends, once
he leaves and everyone starts talking Sam comes stalking up with the pack "What are cold
ones?" Angela asks confused.

"Cold ones are monster who kill humans for food" he growls out glaring at her.

Laughing I look at him "Okay so these cold ones feed on humans what if they are picky about
it only feed on criminals?" I ask.

"Human are humans they kill them it doesn't matter who" He says harshly.

"Right so say they kill someone they catch doing something ba..." he cuts me off "It doesn't
matter" he yells.

Becca laughs catching his attention "Wow guess we know what you think" she says smugly
"Basically if a cold one sees someone being raped or someone abusing children they should
let the attacker do it and not kill them".

He growls looking at us shaking "No one should die by them".

Becca laughs harder as I lean forward "What I'm hearing is you believe the should allow
someone to be hurt because they are human, it sounds like your supporting rapist, murders,and abusers. While I'm saying if they can remove someone doing that and save someone then
why stop them? I'd feel much better knowing they removed an evil human because let's face
it, humans can be monsters and so called monsters can be heros by using their abilities to
save humans it all depends on who they are at heart".

"Are you going to sit there and say humans can't be evil or monsters" Becca says smirking.

I look to her shaking my head "Of course he is, he made a point to cheat and then rub it in
someone's face he doesn't care he's a bitch boy with a god complex and control issues".

Leah stiffens looking at us then him feeling her move I reach out grabbing her arm "Leah will
you come stay the night with us?" I ask pouting at her.

Seeing her eyes move to Sam who glares at her I move between them tugging Leah with me
and Becca hearing Sam following us I get us away from the humans.

"Leah you will not talk or be around them anymore I forbid it" he orders.

Gripping Leah's arm I glare at him "Leah has a choice you can not control her if she chooses"
I hiss.

Feeling Leah shaking I look at her making her look at me "Leah you can do it, I promise just trust yourself" I whisper.

Seeing she's having trouble fighting the order as he reaches out gripping Leah's arm, Becca
sighs quickly spraying Sam with pepper spray and kicking him between his legs.

He yells dropping and shaking more before he shifts shaking his head Becca drops dodging his mouth.

"Leah now's a good time to help" Becca says rolling away from him.

I look around grabbing a thick stick and slam it over his head he growls turning his head
grabbing it, yanking it knocking me down rolling over I hiss mimicking Victoria and Jane
kicking him in the face "LEAH FUCKING HELP OR HE WILL KILL US" I scream.

Seeing Sam get knocked away and a gray wolf over us growling blocking us Leah shakes her
head repeatedly, stepping back before she stops taking a step closer growling at him, hearing
people yelling coming our way the two wolves turn rushing away into the woods.

I groan sitting up seeing Jacob and a few elders running up with more people "What
happened?" Sue demands running to us leaving her husband Harry's side who looks at us seeing the clothes he frowns.

"Fucking Sam attacked us after telling Leah she couldn't talk or hang out with us" I grunt
standing up.

The elders quickly get everyone to leave leading us to the Clearwater house "What happened?" Sue asks nervously.

I sneer at Billy "Sam ordered Leah to stay away from us and tried to drag her away, Becca
sprayed him with pepper spray he turned it a big ass wolf and attacked us" I hiss.

"I'm sure it was your imagination" Billy says calmly.

"Bull fucking shit Billy, we know what we saw just like we know about vampires do not try
that shit with us. You and Mr. Clearwater know we are right about him turning into a wolf
just like Leah did to protect us" Becca yells pointing at him.

Leah comes in the back door limping slightly with a few cuts breaking the glaring contest
between us and Billy she turns glaring at Billy "I'm leaving I am no longer a pack member, in
fact my bond is to the Swans" she grunts moving to her room.

"You are to stay here and protect the tribe Leah" Billy orders.

"No I am finally free I am leaving to protect my pack that is them"
Harry sighs looking at her "Leah is this what you truly want?" He asks.

"Yes I'm done dealing with him rubbing his cheating in my face and ordering me around, I'm
free the twins are my pack" she grunts.

"Harry you can't let her go" Billy harshly says glaring at Leah.

"Yes I can and I will, she has to be there for her pack and she has a chance to be happy again
away from Sam. I never liked that boy to began with" he says harshly to Billy.

"Leah go pack and go with your pack, find your place in this world and happiness" he gruffly

She nods walking away Harry looks to us "You girls take care of her and she will take care of
you, be better pack mates then these boys" he orders.

Leah stomps back in holding a bag as Sue cry's hugging her when she lets go Leah gives a
stiff nod to her dad who pats her back "Go on make sure you call and visit" he gruffly orders.

The witch twins matesWhere stories live. Discover now