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Looking around the store Carman helps us pick out gifts for everyone else we missed but
herself "Okay someone else will take you out to help you with myself, do you mind waiting a
bit I need to check some stuff?" she says while paying for everything.

We nod as she smiles moves to a room pulling out a large box seeing Becca and Leah wonder
off looking around, I step over to Carman nervously.

"What's on your mind Bella?" She asks.

"Are you mad at us?"

"No it's not uncommon for teenagers to steal something at some point and considering who
your mates are and your parents, even with Leah I knew you girls would get into trouble but, I am trusting you girls not to steal from us don't let me down in my trust okay" she says seeing me nod "Is that all?" She asks kindly.

"I think I may have messed up with Jane" I say softly.

"How so?"

"When I seen her she kept saying I didn't exist and yelling at me I got mad and was hurt I told
her about our powers, Leah and Tanya, Heidi's job, what's happening with the Cullens, where we are right now, and about the kings keeping us all apart so we can be changed" I whisper nervously.

Carman stops moving before shaking her head "Bella that's not good Jane and Alec are feared
for a reason they have ripped apart newborn armies like its nothing, even the kings know its
hard to keep them under control when they get upset, while they are loyal the kings do not worry they will turn on them but, know they are just as likely to go rogue and take off after what they see as a threat, right now the Cullens are threats and they would be happy to go after them since they don't like them already".

"How bad have I messed up?" I ask worried.

"It depends on if she believed you or finds proof you told the truth then, they will come we need to warn Aro" she says sadly "I'll call El" she adds.

I nod heading to Becca who is looking at stuff on the shelves in a back room "This is an
occult room" she says picking up a jar looking at it.

Carman comes back and sits the jar back "Be careful" she warns.

"Why do you have an occult room?" Becca asks.

"I was a witch before I was turned I still practice I have many people who come to me to
remove curses or attachments, even many who want curses placed you'd be surprised how many people still come to people like me for this stuff" she says smiling.

Becca nods as Carman leads us out of the room and locks it "Let's keep you all out of there I
have some dangerous things in there".

"El is calling Aro to warn him and see if we need to alter the plan" she adds looking at me before leading us to the car "Time to head home girls" adds.

Time jump Christmas

Getting up we walk to the kitchen Carman gets us sat down placing our food down, glancing around I see everyone say at the table with glasses on hot blood.

The Denali coven now sporting reddish gold eyes choosing to still feed on animals, but having taken to draining criminals when they see them.

Hearing a phone ringing Tanya pulls a cell out frowning she sits it down on speaker.

"Hey Tanya"

"Yes Alice?"

"I am really worried about you all I can't get any visions of you all and when I do it keeps going dark" Alice says.

"Alice we have told you many times to stay out of our business and the fact that you refuse to
respect our wishes is insulting, we are happy you are no longer able to invade our privacy so
drop it" Kate says harshly.

"We was thinking about coming to visit after Christmas" Alice says completely ignoring Kate.

"No we have guest and do not have time to host you all" Irina says.

"You let Rose come why not us" Alice whines.

"Rose is welcome as she minds her own business and respects us she also does not cause drama or look down on us for our history, you all threw her out but we have accepted her" Tanya say harshly.

"She's no longer vegetarian" Alice shrieks.

"We know and know who she chooses to feed from we support her choice" Kate hisses.

"I believe it's best we no longer talk consider this us cutting ties to your family, do not call or visit you are no longer our cousins" Tanya says before hanging up.

"I apologize for the call interrupting breakfast" Tanya says before taking a drink of her blood.

"Am I the only one who's noticed how condescending and judgemental they are?" Irina asks.

"It's the diet by only feeding from animals it dulls your senses and makes your mind slower
to process information, because the hunger is never satisfied you body focuses on it so much
that your other senses are slower" Laurent says calmly "It's why you are noticing things that
you feel like you should have seen long before and need to feed more often".

Tanya nods swirling her glass "I never noticed that before while we fed on humans we didn't
need to eat as often, we drained the humans we took to bed but I wasn't truly hungry doing it".

"I think it was our grief we were trying to feel something other than the pain and sadness so
we over indulged in everything" Kate says looking down.

Tanya nods before forcing a smile "We can discuss this later today we are celebrating Christmas and have guests".

"How do you celebrate?" I ask following Tanya's lead.

"Breakfast together" she says lifting her glass "we spend some time in the snow where Kate
starts a snowball fight normally, after you girls have lunch we can all settle down to watch a
holiday movie, we all open one gift before dinner then we open presents after dinner then
possibly watch another movie. How do you celebrate?"

"We do normal stuff till Mom gives us our gifts, we've never had Dad or Uncle L around for
holidays this is a first" Becca says.

"Because they are competitive and would try to turn gift giving into a competition" Victoria
says glaring at James who smirks at her.

I roll my eyes smiling "Since we are guest here and Tanya is Mated to the moody ass, we will
follow your traditions" I say while motioning to Leah.

"By her being part of our coven it typically means we are sister covens" Victoria says.

Tanya nods finishing her blood "Yes it does now let's finish breakfast before Kate shocks
everyone for making her wait".

I look at Kate seeing her smirk with sparks moving between her fingers "I will do it".

Time lapse 5 minutes

Becca and I smirk at Kate while everyone else wonders around waiting for us.

Slowly eating she snarls having figured out her power doesn't work on us "You look mad
Kate" Becca says smugly.

Kate snarls more taking out plates with maybe two bites putting them on the counter "Your done now go change" she orders.

Laughing we head upstairs quickly changing then head outside finding everyone waiting we start the snowball fight, I dive behind a tree laughing before throwing my own hearing Kate Screams, I look out not seeing her and Leah in wolf form trotting around with her head and tail
held high.

Seeing snow being flung around Leah tumbles sliding across the ground while Kate stands
where she was smirking.

"Bring it on puppy" she taunts crouching.

Moving past them Becca and I step inside blowing on our hands closing the sliding back door
to stay warm.

Carman rushes in grabbing a pot "drinks" She asks.

I chuckle seeing Leah and Kate rolling on the ground trying to over power each other "Do
you have and green tea?" I ask "Hot chocolate?" Becca adds.

"Yes just a moment what will Leah want?" She says while grabbing a second pot.

"Leah will want hot chocolate too" I add.

She nods making our drinks "El thinks he has figured out what you do to travel to the twins".

"What?" I ask.

"Astral projection is one name for it another is Dream walking in human terms your 'soul'
leaves your body and travels to them" she says smiling.

Eleazar comes in smiling at us "Hey El can you explain" I ask knowing he heard the whole

"Your 'soul' is not bound to a physical time or place think of it this way your soul felt the sadness and loneliness or your mates when you first did this, it followed the pull to the earliest point each trip you gained their trust and tried to cheer them up, because your body
was never really there you couldn't do much other than interact with them you were points of happiness for them" he says calmly.

"Why does Jane think I don't exist?" I ask sadly.

Eleazar sighs shaking his head leaning on the counter "Everyone is different even the most
similar twins they experience things differently, Jane is more hated then Alec because she
causes pain while Alec makes you feel nothing, if the kings feel generous they have him take
away someone's senses before killing them, it's caused them both to have different views.

Jane has become more cynical she's been alive a long time and lost faith in finding a mate, so
she's trying to convince herself you two are a something their childish minds created to cope
with the abuse they dealt with, something her mind latched onto when being changed that's
been pulled over into her vampire life because they seen you while burning".

I nod looking down feeling Eleazar place his hand on my shoulder I look up at him "It won't be long till you are changed just hold on and you will finally be with her, like Tanya and her
sisters say keep the dream alive".

I nod smiling at him slightly "thank you El".

The witch twins matesWhere stories live. Discover now