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Time lapse two days before school starts

Pulling up at the house I frown seeing Charlie's Car as we walk to the house with our 'guest'
following us to the house.

Opening the door we all step in seeing Charlie like normal drinking and watching a game
"Girls you need to answer somethings that came up" he says looking at us frowning at our
guests "Who are they?" He asks calmly.

"Charlie you remember Victoria and Rosalie" I say seeing him nod.

"This is Heidi Victoria's sister, James Victoria's boyfriend, and Laurent his friend" I say
motioning to them.

Charlie stands holding his hand out shaking both their hand "Keep in mind I am a cop" he
says glaring at them.

"Anyways" I step in getting Charlie's attention again "You know how the Cullen's adopted
their children, it turns out Rose and Jasper are not twins but she had siblings that had been
looking for her" Becca adds.

"Turned out Laurent was dating her sister Irina and when he seen a photo and investigator
found of Rose, he recognized her from seeing her with us so we helped surprise them by
reuniting them for Christmas" I nod once Becca finishes.

"So this is Tanya, Irina, and Kate Rose's sisters and those two are Eleazar and Carman they
are family friends" I say calmly.
Charlie nods frowning "Heidi lives next door she got the place about a month back" Becca
says calmly.

"That explains the workers who have been working on the place" he says nodding.

"Since Rosalie is here as well we need to talk, Why did Dr. Cullen's came by saying she ran away and you three went went her but refuse to file a report?" Charlie asks sitting down.

"I did not run away, Carlisle doesn't like my friendship with Becca, Bella, or Leah he has
spent years trying to push me into dating guys because he does not agree with homosexual
relationships or how they act and dress, a woman is seen not heard according to him, when he
found out I knew jasper wasn't my twin and was planning on looking for my birth family, he
informed me if I did I was not to come home so I left they have been harassing us at school
and made Leah lose her job" Rosalie says calmly.

Charlie frowns glaring at his beer "Where have you been staying before you all went to Victoria's for Christmas?" He asks.

"My car on colder nights Leah would let me in her room to sleep" she answers.

"What's your plan now?" He asks.

"Now that I'm 18 Carlisle can't use the cops to get someone in trouble for helping me, Heidi
as offered me a room in her house she only asked I clean up after myself and keep going to
school" Rosalie says knowing Charlie is thinking about how to help with any legal problems.

He nods taking a drink of his beer as he leaves the room and comes back handing her a small
can of paper spray like he gave us "Use this if you have to let me know if you need anything"
he says gruffly.

"Leah you had a letter come in from some law office" He adds handing it to her.

Leah nods opening it "I'm supposed to meet with a lawyer about suing the restaurant,
Carlisle, and Edward Cullens" she says frowning.

Charlie nods "Alright I'm heading back to work don't trash the house" he says walking out.
Hearing the car pull off Leah looks at Victoria holding up the letter "I got the security tape
and gave it to a lawyer who is a vampire, Aro contacted them and asked them to take the case
and squeeze the Cullens for everything they have" Victoria answers smugly.

Time lapse

Sitting at lunch I frown seeing the Cullens smirking at us I've already rejected Edward three
time today, hearing sirens I frown more seeing Angela running in to our table "Your cars are
on fire in the parking lot" she says breathing heavily.

Rosalie turns glaring at the Cullens before as we all head out seeing the vehicles burning,
Charlie pulls up keeping people back while the fire is put out.
"Tanya is coming to get us" Rosalie says calmly.

I nod calling out to Charlie he comes over glaring at the Cullens smirking by the school "You
won't find any proof but I find it suspicious our cars catch fire after Edward told me I'd regret
rejecting him, three times today we are waiting on a ride since we do not feel safe here right
now" I say calmly.

Charlie sighs nodding "I'll see you at home this afternoon".

Seeing Tanya come up she honks catching everyone's attention climbing in we see Leah in
the passenger seat before she rushes off.

"We got some work to do they want to start a petty war we remind them how bad that is"
Tanya says leading us into the house.

"So what's the plan?" I ask.

"We strike back they burn your cars we do the same" Kate says calmly.

Nodding I watch as Kate paces "We hit their cars busting them up flip them and burn them" she says smirking.

Time lapse 2 hours

Standing in the woods hidden with Leah we watch as the vampires smash the Cullens Cars before flipping them and setting them on fire at vampire speed then rush to the trees with us.

A few moments later the Cullens stand looking at their cars before looking at us smirking,
before we rush off back to the house setting down.

Rose Becca and I sit watching Kate draw up battle plans as she calls it "I'm enjoying being
able to plot without worrying about Alice seeing it since Leah blocks her gift".

Hearing knocking on the door Tanya opens it showing Charlie with the Cullens Family
behind him glaring "Lovely to see you Charlie" Tanya say smiling "but what is the Cullen
family doing here?" She ask.

"They seem to believe you are hiding a runaway minor" Charlie says sounding annoyed.

"The only minors here are Becca and Bella, Rose is 18 legally an adult who can make their
own choices and leave whenever they please" I smirk watching out the window as Heidi comes to the door "Officer Swan" She says sweetly.

"Oh look the Cullens Family Charlie I happened to catch something interesting on the
security cameras on my home while it was being worked on, I caught Edward here coming
out of your daughter's room multiple times while she was visiting Victoria in Seattle I can get the tapes for you".

Charlie frowns glaring at Edward "Yes I will need those tapes" he says gruffly "If I see you
on those tapes I will have charges pressed on you for breaking and entering, trespassing, and
stalking" he says harshly.

Next day lunch

Standing outside the school I smirk seeing all the students whispering and talking about the Cullens.

"I heard they found it in Edwards room" some says walking past whispering.

"What exactly is going on?" I ask Rosalie.

"Edward was arrested for breaking into your house and apparently a fire proof lockbox was found in his car, he had I.Ds and personal belongs to missing people all high school girls
from his old schools" she says smirking "He's now the main suspect in their disappearances".

"I was questioned and explained how we had to move multiple times never getting to finish a
school year till we came here" she adds calmly "Oh and the wolves are pissed demanding
answers or war" she says laughing.

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